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using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using MultiversalDiplomacy.Orders;
namespace MultiversalDiplomacy.Model;
/// <summary>
/// The global game state.
/// </summary>
public class World
/// <summary>
/// The map variant of the game.
/// </summary>
public readonly Map Map;
/// <summary>
/// The game map.
/// </summary>
public ReadOnlyCollection<Province> Provinces => this.Map.Provinces;
/// <summary>
/// The game powers.
/// </summary>
public ReadOnlyCollection<Power> Powers => this.Map.Powers;
/// <summary>
/// The state of the multiverse.
/// </summary>
public ReadOnlyCollection<Season> Seasons { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Lookup for seasons by designation.
/// </summary>
public ReadOnlyDictionary<string, Season> SeasonLookup { get; }
/// <summary>
/// The first season of the game.
/// </summary>
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public Season RootSeason => GetSeason("a0");
/// <summary>
/// All units in the multiverse.
/// </summary>
public ReadOnlyCollection<Unit> Units { get; }
/// <summary>
/// All retreating units in the multiverse.
/// </summary>
public ReadOnlyCollection<RetreatingUnit> RetreatingUnits { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Orders given to units in each season.
/// </summary>
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public ReadOnlyDictionary<Season, OrderHistory> OrderHistory { get; }
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/// <summary>
/// Immutable game options.
/// </summary>
public Options Options { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Create a new World, providing all state data.
/// </summary>
private World(
Map map,
ReadOnlyCollection<Season> seasons,
ReadOnlyCollection<Unit> units,
ReadOnlyCollection<RetreatingUnit> retreatingUnits,
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ReadOnlyDictionary<Season, OrderHistory> orderHistory,
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Options options)
this.Map = map;
this.Seasons = seasons;
this.Units = units;
this.RetreatingUnits = retreatingUnits;
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this.OrderHistory = orderHistory;
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this.Options = options;
this.SeasonLookup = new(Seasons.ToDictionary(season => $"{season.Timeline}{season.Turn}"));
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/// <summary>
/// Create a new World from a previous one, replacing some state data.
/// </summary>
private World(
World previous,
ReadOnlyCollection<Season>? seasons = null,
ReadOnlyCollection<Unit>? units = null,
ReadOnlyCollection<RetreatingUnit>? retreatingUnits = null,
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ReadOnlyDictionary<Season, OrderHistory>? orderHistory = null,
Options? options = null)
: this(
seasons ?? previous.Seasons,
units ?? previous.Units,
retreatingUnits ?? previous.RetreatingUnits,
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orderHistory ?? previous.OrderHistory,
options ?? previous.Options)
/// <summary>
/// Create a new world with specified provinces and powers and an initial season.
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/// </summary>
public static World WithMap(Map map)
return new World(
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new(new Dictionary<Season, OrderHistory>()),
new Options());
/// <summary>
/// Create a new world with the standard Diplomacy provinces and powers.
/// </summary>
public static World WithStandardMap()
=> WithMap(Map.Classical);
public World Update(
IEnumerable<Season>? seasons = null,
IEnumerable<Unit>? units = null,
IEnumerable<RetreatingUnit>? retreats = null,
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IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Season, OrderHistory>>? orders = null)
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=> new(
previous: this,
seasons: seasons == null
? this.Seasons
: new(seasons.ToList()),
units: units == null
? this.Units
: new(units.ToList()),
retreatingUnits: retreats == null
? this.RetreatingUnits
: new(retreats.ToList()),
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orderHistory: orders == null
? this.OrderHistory
: new(orders.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value)));
/// <summary>
/// Create a new world with new units created from unit specs. Units specs are in the format
/// "<power> <A/F> <province> [<coast>]". If the province or coast name has a space in it, the
/// abbreviation should be used. Unit specs always describe units in the root season.
/// </summary>
public World AddUnits(params string[] unitSpecs)
IEnumerable<Unit> units = unitSpecs.Select(spec =>
string[] splits = spec.Split(' ', 4);
Power power = Map.GetPower(splits[0]);
UnitType type = splits[1] switch
"A" => UnitType.Army,
"F" => UnitType.Fleet,
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_ => throw new ApplicationException($"Unknown unit type {splits[1]}")
Location location = type == UnitType.Army
? Map.GetLand(splits[2])
: splits.Length == 3
? Map.GetWater(splits[2])
: Map.GetWater(splits[2], splits[3]);
Unit unit = Unit.Build(location, this.RootSeason, power, type);
return unit;
return this.Update(units: units);
/// <summary>
/// Create a new world with standard Diplomacy initial unit placements.
/// </summary>
public World AddStandardUnits()
return this.AddUnits(
"Austria A Bud",
"Austria A Vir",
"Austria F Tri",
"England A Lvp",
"England F Edi",
"England F Lon",
"France A Mar",
"France A Par",
"France F Bre",
"Germany A Ber",
"Germany A Mun",
"Germany F Kie",
"Italy A Rom",
"Italy A Ven",
"Italy F Nap",
"Russia A Mos",
"Russia A War",
"Russia F Sev",
"Russia F Stp wc",
"Turkey A Con",
"Turkey A Smy",
"Turkey F Ank"
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/// <summary>
/// Create a season immediately after this one in the same timeline.
/// </summary>
public World ContinueSeason(string season)
=> Update(seasons: Seasons.Append(SeasonLookup[season].MakeNext()));
/// <summary>
/// Create a season immediately after this one in the same timeline.
/// </summary>
public World ContinueSeason(Season season) => ContinueSeason(season.ToString());
/// <summary>
/// Create a season immediately after this one in a new timeline.
/// </summary>
public World ForkSeason(string season)
=> Update(seasons: Seasons.Append(SeasonLookup[season].MakeFork()));
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/// <summary>
/// A standard Diplomacy game setup.
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/// </summary>
public static World Standard => World
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/// <summary>
/// Get a season by coordinate. Throws if the season is not found.
/// </summary>
public Season GetSeason(string timeline, int turn)
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=> GetSeason($"{timeline}{turn}");
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public Season GetSeason(string designation)
=> SeasonLookup[designation];
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/// <summary>
/// Get all seasons that are immediate futures of a season.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="present">A season designation.</param>
/// <returns>The immediate futures of the designated season.</returns>
public IEnumerable<Season> GetFutures(string present)
=> Seasons.Where(future => future.Past == present);
/// <summary>
/// Get all seasons that are immediate futures of a season.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="present">A season.</param>
/// <returns>The immediate futures of the season.</returns>
public IEnumerable<Season> GetFutures(Season present) => GetFutures(present.Designation);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the first season in this season's timeline. The first season is the
/// root of the first timeline. The earliest season in each alternate timeline is
/// the root of that timeline.
/// </summary>
public Season GetTimelineRoot(Season season)
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if (season.Past is null) {
return season;
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Season past = SeasonLookup[season.Past];
return season.Timeline == past.Timeline
? GetTimelineRoot(past)
: season;
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether this season is in an adjacent timeline to another season.
/// Seasons are considered to be in adjacent timelines if they are in the same timeline,
/// one is in a timeline that branched from the other's timeline, or both are in timelines
/// that branched from the same point.
/// </summary>
public bool InAdjacentTimeline(Season one, Season two)
// Timelines are adjacent to themselves. Early out in that case.
if (one == two) return true;
// If the timelines aren't identical, one of them isn't the initial trunk.
// They can still be adjacent if one of them branched off of the other, or
// if they both branched off of the same point.
Season rootOne = GetTimelineRoot(one);
Season rootTwo = GetTimelineRoot(two);
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bool oneForked = rootOne.Past != null && GetSeason(rootOne.Past).Timeline == two.Timeline;
bool twoForked = rootTwo.Past != null && GetSeason(rootTwo.Past).Timeline == one.Timeline;
bool bothForked = rootOne.Past == rootTwo.Past;
return oneForked || twoForked || bothForked;
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/// <summary>
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/// Returns a unit in a province. Throws if there are duplicate units.
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/// </summary>
public Unit GetUnitAt(string provinceName, (string timeline, int turn)? seasonCoord = null)
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Province province = Map.GetProvince(provinceName);
seasonCoord ??= (this.RootSeason.Timeline, this.RootSeason.Turn);
Season season = GetSeason(seasonCoord.Value.timeline, seasonCoord.Value.turn);
Unit? foundUnit = this.Units.SingleOrDefault(
u => u!.Province == province && u.Season == season,
?? throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Unit at {province} at {season} not found");
return foundUnit;
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