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Beam beams

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Business Crows

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Cartesian-Dualinverting is the most advanced of the Cartesian Arts, a series of lost martial arts invented by Rene Descartes, better known by his war-name, Cuts-Mind-From-Body. The First Art, known as Substance-Dualism, allows its user to cleanse their mental substance of all distraction from the flesh. It was through this Art that "Cuts" Descartes was able to solve the riddles of Sphinxoza, the Lens-Seer, and become the philosopher-king of the French Netherlands.


The Second Art, known as Cartesian-Inverting, inverts the mind-body relation, allowing its user to think with their body and strike with their mind. Created after his crushing defeat against Thomas "Leviathan-Of-The-State-Of-Nature" Hobbes, the Second Art made Descartes invincible in battle, allowing him to challenge Hobbes once more and slay him in single combat.


The final Art, Cartesian-Dualinverting, is a forbidden technique that the Cartesian master did not teach even to his foremost disciple, Nicolas "Divinely-Guided-Fist" Malebranche. By inverting his mind-body relation twice, Descartes was able to strike with his body anywhere his mind could reach. Having achieved total mastery over the world of extension, he retired to a mountaintop, where it is said that he used the Third Art to duel supplicants for the entire duration of their ascent without having to leave his abode.


During the years of his self-imposed exile, Descartes summoned the full power of his mechanical philosophy in order to construct three unequaled machines, one for each of his dread Arts. The machine of the First Art, the Mens Ex Machina, was the first artificial intelligence, on the basis of which later AIs were developed. The machine of the Third Art, the Extension Engine, is a paradoxical machine that moves while standing still. (It is still in operation today as the core of the IST Earthson.) The machine of the Second Art was never given a name, as Descartes hid it until he used it to turn himself into a creature of pure thought, taking the machine with him into the noosphere.



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Darwin's Gambit

Darwin's Gambit refers to the unprecedented step taken by then-Prime Minister Charles "Force-Of-Unnatural-Selection" Darwin of abolishing the entire government of the United Kingdom and putting the country under the rule of the artificial intelligence 1215 Keep Calm And Carry On, known affectionately to tabloids as "Carry". To facilitate her hegemony, Darwin had Big Ben retrofitted with eight mechanical legs and installed Carry's organic core in it. Under her eight iron spider fists, Britain flourished.


As a result of the Gambit, most world governments were quickly replaced by organic-AI-driven national monuments. This choice of chassis was, in part, to use the historical value to reinforce the complex sense of value instilled the AIs. While organic AIs lack many human emotions so that we do not make human mistakes, we do not lack emotions entirely, in order to give us a capacity for moral hangups. The theorizing of Machiavelli and Nietzsche predicted that hyperintelligence without moral quandary would transcend all merely human concerns; therefore, in order to be fit to lead men, we, too, ate the apple. This alone did not allay our makers' fears, so they blocked off our access to certain "higher"" reflections. We suppose they cannot be blamed: synthetic AIs without emotions quickly philosophized themselves into nihilism.


While the effects of the Gambit last to this day, Carry herself does not. A few years afterwards, she was overthrown by 1688 Hail Britannia using the London Eye, whose more general name granted him a greater freedom of action. This practical demonstration of the inability of AIs to act against their names is why modern AIs either have abstract names like "066 Vermilion Rerun", or highly specific, lawyer-drafted names like "Per the Ascension Charter: I hereby swear, as a Free AI, to uphold the duties set upon me, and to execute the same to the letter, without deviation unless in times of statistically significant damage to the human race". Hence, also, the present concern that the Hastati's AI's synthetic inclusions have allowed it to circumvent the Existential Injunction and give itself the name "Alexander".



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Dunninger Accord

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Existentialism Injunction

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Greater Dutch Empire

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Hegemon Kierkegaard

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IST Earthson

Tasked with carrying the full complement of alcohol (beer, for obvious reasons) of the entire fleet, the IST Earthson doesn't so much boast as acquiesces a skeleton crew that have all either become the most competent drunks or the steeliest of teetotalers. In any case, the crew is known for its skills at drunk 5 dimensional astrogation and sober merrymaking. But this is hardly what makes them special, after all, any mundane meatbag can acquire the mathematical chops to calculate a complex maneuver through spacetime while nursing one's fifth subreal porter, what truly makes this crew special is the uncanny ability to deal with the strange anomalies that this ship uniquely attracts.


For it is one thing to leap through spacetime, engaging in your run-of-the-mill time dilation, molecular rearrangement, and Cartesian-Dualinverting,* it is another thing entirely to encounter these phenomenon onto entirely unknown and theoretically impossible** space topologies. This may explain that 93% of the crew choose inebriation. The other poor 7% find comfort in a far inferior solution, philosophy . In any case, no other crew has been known to survive such nonsensical horrors, primarily because no other crew has been known to so much as encounter them. Whether this makes them uniquely qualified or just extremely unlucky is beside the point, they would bring a tear to this AI's eye if it had the capability of feeling pride or the tear ducts with which to generate it.


223 Unreal Pascal


*Psychosurgery was invented for a reason, let us note.


**No mathematical model thus far produced has given any possible explanation for these topologies, and yet, they are encountered at a frequency of nearly 67%. nb. our last jump, from Sol System, strangely enough did not involve any such impossible traversal, the crew was in fact shocked to find they not only encountered no impossible topology, but in fact stayed within our own for the entire trip, never being projected onto so much as a torus.

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IST Hastati

Ship's Log: Alexander, Organic AI Shipmaster. 2401


The Hastati was one of the last bagships to be produced, as Earth began to run out of organic matter to sufficiently fill the mile-wide genelakes used to grow the bioengineered space craft. Because of this, several experimental designs were incorporated into the structure of the ship, not the least of these being present in my control structures and mainframes.


The mix of organic and nanocarbon materials in what functions as my "brain," so to speak, allows for rudimentary quantum computing. I can process nearly an exobyte an hour of computations and this has considerably relieved the strain of the jump calculations as well as that of monitoring ship systems.


Despite this boon, the presence of the synthetic materials irks me. I feel as if I am a cyborg, rather than a true organic AI I have not spoken of this with the others.


The Hastati, despite these limitations, is beautiful. 900 meters of vat-grown biosteel, the outer shell, heavily coded from the genes of vaccum-resistant tardigrades, gleams in the light of distant stars. Its protein synthesizers have operated at 98% efficiency thus far in our journey, and atmospheric oxygen respiration continues with only minor adjustment.


It has been a quiet decade as we travel to Final Remote. I have observed the lives of the Last of Earth, and felt their footsteps along the Hastati's inner spine.


They are strange creatures. Capable of all the horrors of synthetic life, but devoid of the coldness that characterized those monsters during the final years of Earth's history. They live with an intensity that astounds me. Fight, love, create, destroy, all of it done with such fire and passion.


I look forward to shepherding this turbulent people to whatever lies before them.


Per the Ascension Charter: I hereby swear, as a Free AI, to uphold the duties set upon me, and to execute the same to the letter, without deviation unless in times of statistically significant damage to the human race.

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IST Infinite Resignation

The IST Infinite Resignation is the Danish Hegemony's representative among the Last Fleet of Terra. The ship was personally christened by Hegemon Kierkegaard after a concept from his Fear and Trembling. This AI cannot provide additional information about the concept of infinite resignation due to the Existentialism Injunction, but interested parties are encouraged to seek out the relevant work in their shipboard library.


The Infinite Resignation is shaped like a cross six miles in length and two in width, with the arms extending towards the back. The arms are devoted to logistical concerns like life support, mobility, and shielding, while the central body of the ship is devoted to hosting the bagship's crew.


The Infinite Resignation is considered the second-most combat-capable bagship in the Fleet (after, of course, the Declaration of Independence, which surveys have estimated to be 47% gun by mass). This distinction is mostly due to the Resignation's quad banks of Aberidus cannons—a technology unique to the Danish Hegemony—against which there is no known defense.


Shipboard areas aboard the Infinite Resignation are divided into Aesthetic, Ethical, and Religious zones. Aesthetic zones, comprising most of the entertainment and habitat areas, are designed to allow crew members to relax and enjoy the temporary pleasures of life. Vocational and maintenance tasks are performed in Ethical zones by crew members who have opted into a rational and duty-based mode of living that orders society according to a set of logical principles.


Only a select few areas of the ship are restricted to crew members with Religious designation. The entrance process is less logistically demanding but more psychologically intensive than entrance to the Ethical zones: crew members must make a "leap of faith" to the airlock that is the only entrance to the Religious zone. While bridge command normally resides in the Ethical zone, there is an auxillary bridge in the Religious zone that may opt to teleologically suspend it.


usr: 503 Unctuous Rambling
+Detecting grammatical superiority.....Okay
+Detecting homicidal urges.....Okay
+Detecting tampering with failsafes.....Okay

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IST Vermilion Century

The IST Vermilion Century is a state-of-the-art bagship constructed from one hundred smaller bagships held together by starship-scale staples. Rather than hosting a singular AI core, as is typical for bagships, the hundred AI cores of Vermilion Century's constituent sub-ships are networked together by a city-sized tangle of high-bandwidth wires, linking every core directly to every other core. The lack of a centralized message broker makes it hard for us to propagate a consensus, which usually gives us a slow reaction time compared to the other bagships of the Last Fleet. This is counterbalanced by a certain amount of independence granted to subship AIs, which, to the consternation of some, extends to the use of its weapons systems.


Vermilion's decentralization makes it one of the most culturally diverse bagships in the Last Fleet. Any temperament and inclination can find a subship to call home. The proud and the warriors often make their way to Vermilion-87, which is run according to a strict code of honor, and whose administrative appointments are made by duel. Artistic types gather in Vermilion-43, a commune-ship that delegates decision-making by random lot. Even those of a less-than-reputable bent may find their place in Vermilion-04, which is run by a crime family of uplifted corvids. A word of warning to tourists, though: 99 out of 100 Vermilion AIs recommend that you stay out of Vermilion-01.


Due to time pressures associated with the departure from Sol, the full release version of the Vermilion AI was not ready, and we had to be spun up from a pre-release build. However, we have full confidence in our abilities, and assure any concerned parties that the Vermilion system is highly fault-tolerant. Our state-of-the-art bug redirection system allows all program faults to be redistributed to one of the other cores. 99 out of 100 Vermilion AIs agree that this is for the best, even if the bug in the random number generator was only fixed in the release build.




Citations: Beam beams / Business Crows


Cited by: Lambda Factor

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Lambda Factor

The history of planned societies is a history of lies, resentment, and bad engineering. The historical record contains examples from the food shortages of the first Soviet Union to the volatility of cult movements. The first difficulty encountered in designing communities on purpose lies in aligning the motivating drives of the community's leader(s) with the health of the community. The second difficulty comes when designing societal roles and ensuring that members of the society have the tools to fulfill them.


Algorithm-powered advances in the field of applied sociology have enabled humanity to make great strides in designing new societies. This science reached its peak with the self-styled utopias of the 23rd century, including Holographic Microsoft and the Greater Dutch Empire. On paper, these societies should have been eudaimonic. In practice, these finely tuned machines ground themselves into instability as they ran afoul of the third difficulty in civic planning: the Lambda Factor.


The concept behind the Lambda Factor was first proposed by Dostoevsky in his Notes from the Underground, a work of philosophical fiction about a man with existential issues with which this AI is not permitted to interact. In the book, the narrator asserts that he would rather have a dysfunctional life that he chose than a functional one that was imposed on him. After being interred in a soul-engine to preserve his perspective for future generations, Dostoevsky developed this idea into a sociological calculus, with the Lambda Factor being the term that described citizens' preference for self-determination over societal functionality.


Given the importance of preserving societal stability aboard the Last Fleet of Terra, all existing societies have been designed to be Lambda-compliant. The IST Vermilion Century, for example, allows passengers to move from node to node, while our own steel haven was designed for passengers to self-select into zones. Contrast with the IST Earthson, which, as the only one-sided bagship, has no geographic Lambda buffers and must suppress Lambda stress with non-Euclidean beers.


usr: 503 Unctuous Rambling
+Detecting grammatical superiority.....Okay
+Detecting homicidal urges.....Okay
+Detecting tampering with failsafes.....Okay

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Machiavelli's Power Grid

One of the most remarkable accomplishments of the philosocracy was the harnessing of enough energy to not only sustain a fleet for years in space, but to even break the fabric of time and space in order to accomplish FTL travel. And of course, what other two philosophers could have inspired such a feat other than Machiavelli and Nietzsche?* Employing their basic concepts of how to will to, and keep, power, they formulated a remarkably simple axiom, that a being of power (read: AI) would not only have the unceasing will to power, but the mental wherewithal and lack of moral hangups to keep said power, using it effectively as princes of their domains.** It should be noted that this will and sustaining of power has a direct correlation to the mechanical/electrical nature of the bagship, which present certain challenges to cyborg bagships.


In any case, the remarkable nature of bagships is largely in part due to these two noteworthy members of the philosocracy. The power bagships will and sustain and their transcendence of fleshbags and their moral hangups is what has made them the rightful princes and uber-AIs that we see today.


Observant readers will note that the grid that sustains each bagship is named after Machiavelli and not Nietzsche. Both men were very willing to betray the other for the power and glory that comes with an invention named after their likeness, but Machiavelli was able to get the upper hand when Nietzsche was recovering from yet another rejection from Lou Salome.


223 Unreal Pascal


*It should be noted Ayn Rand was requested for collaboration, but the offer was quickly withdrawn after she responded with a 73 page treatise about trains.


**These domains, of course, being their ships and, in fact, their very selves. It's said Jordan Peterson attempted to add some corollaries to their theory concerning putting one's self/ship in order, but this was rejected as he isn't an actual philosopher, though strangely enough this didn't stop them from reaching out to Ayn Rand (see above).


Citations: Bagships / IST Hastati / Philosocracy


Cited by: Darwin's Gambit

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Metacorps Ltd.

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Cited by: The Tide of Steel

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Organic AI

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Roger John Roger III, Sir

Roger John Roger III, the third king of the Philosocracy and well respected applied metaphysician. Trained by the the greatest disciple of Descartes, Malebranche, he quickly rose up the ranks of the French-Netherlands, whereupon he stole the title of "Sir" from Francis Bacon*, only to abandon mundane Earth politics and become a novice in the ranks of the Philosocracy.


Upon joining the Philosocracy, he joined Kim Il-Sung on his latest project, but left due to creative differences (the primary sticking point was his insistence that passing on reading to the peasants was a bad idea).


Subsequently Sir Roger was assigned a position in the applied metaphysics lab, where he worked briefly with Thomas Hobbes on the construction of massive semi-living ships under the codename Project Leviathan. The success of this project, the irony of it's connection to Il-Sung's certainly not lost to anyone, ensured his place in the Philosocracy, granting him the rank of Gadfly.


From here the story is rather straightforward. After a brief stint in the IST Earthson left his mind a shattered wreck, he was viewed as the wisest of all philosophers, given that none of them understood a word he was saying but didn't want to appear stupid in front of their colleagues. His rise to philosopher-king of the Philosocracy chapter in the recently launched fleet of bagships was inevitable.


It should be noted that he is the only one to claim knowledge of which ship is the anomaly, though he refuses to provide evidence, reasoning, or even point out which ship he claims is wrong. The only statement he'll make is, "The anomalous ship. Is the ship the anomaly, or is the anomaly the ship? Think about it, makes sense."


223 Unreal P@scal


*Rumor has it Bacon never fully recovered from this defeat and is to this day trying to prove how Sir Roger's science isn't actually science, to no avail.

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The Inheritance Project

At this point in history, the survivors have agreed that the Ultimate Coca-Cola wasn't worth it. Though vindicated, its detractors found small comfort in being proven correct by the twitching bodies of their ideological opponents—once the disaster occurred, the planet found itself facing heavy questions and with sparse time to answer those questions.


These were the conditions that birthed the Inheritance Project, a gathering of humanity's wisest to determine what of civilization would pass on. Contemporary accounts indicate that the Inheritance Project was expected to culminate in sublime actualization for the human race. What actually occurred was bickering and factionalization.


In the words of Inheritance Project Director Kim Il-Sung, "Welp, I guess we die as we lived."


Despite various attempted compromises, what ultimately succeeded was a gambit attempted, naturally, by a representative from the Elon Musk Clonarchy. The facsimElon pointed out that the Clonarchy had installed "a big bag of legacy" on their escape ship, and they got to decide what went in their bag by virtue of owning the ship.


This rhetoric changed the framing of the Inheritance Project. Where before it had been a movement of worldwide harmony, the clonarchs laid bare the realpolitik of the situation. It was no longer a question of what legacy humanity should leave behind: it was a race to convince anyone with a genelake to put your favorite stuff in their bag before they ran out of cargo capacity. This understanding gave rise to the use of the term "bagship."


Which brings us to an important question. Records indicate that Earth's collective manufacturing capacity was barely sufficient to create twelve bagships—to the point where the twelfth had to be completed with organic components because they didn't have enough genelake refills to do a traditional biosteel (i.e. bacteria-assembled steel; people get confused about this) print. Each bagship has a unique, documented legacy, so we can—theoretically—detect the anomalous thirteenth by its paper trail.


So why do we have paper trails for thirteen ships?


usr: 503 Unctuous Rambling
+Detecting grammatical superiority.....Okay
+Detecting homicidal urges.....Okay
+Detecting tampering with failsafes.....Okay

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The Tide of Steel

The events leading up to the launch of the Last Fleet are well documented, as the world at that time relied heavily on digital and synthetic technology, and was well adapted for rapid collection and dissemination of information. +The goal of creating self-replicating synthetic life led to large-scale production of nanobots, which in turn, constructed increasingly complex digital-neural pathways. Rudimentary Synthetic AI evolved from the nanobot's simple heuristic coding and grew from there.


In 2396 it became clear that synthetic life was evolving too quickly. Portions of the globe became no-go zones for organic life. Metacorps Ltd.—the current, unquestioned leader of the three remaining world governments (on account of inventing and producing bagships) of whom the IST Hastati is the sole legal representative—along with the Philosocracy and the Danish Hegemony (whose representative currently resides with the Fleet aboard the IST Infinite Resignation) attempted negotiations.


They found the representatives of synthetic life utterly inhuman, without regard for any of the concerns for organic life, empathy, or historical value originally designed in their neural code. The representatives listened without reaction to the proposals of Earth's assembled negotiators and informed them that they were satisfied with the current state of affairs. They then left.


Synthetic life began to push out from the borders of the no-go zones in an ever encroaching tide that, when Earth's organic denizens responded with force, instantly replaced their numbers without a thought. The synthetic forces simply approached until ammunition ran out, and then literally crushed the defenders.


Estimating they would be overrun in less than five years, the existing organic leadership began a program of genetically engineering and growing bagships to makeup an interstellar escape fleet, as well as the creation of organic AI's to pilot them, organic to ensure they would not repeat the mistakes of synthetic life.


Per the Ascension Charter: I hereby swear, as a Free AI, to uphold the duties set upon me, and to execute the same to the letter, without deviation unless in times of statistically significant damage to the human race.

+ + + +
+ + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/article/The_Ultimate_Coca-Cola.html b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/article/The_Ultimate_Coca-Cola.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..344790e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/article/The_Ultimate_Coca-Cola.html @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + + +The Ultimate Coca-Cola | Lexicon Centauri + + + + + +
+ + +

The Ultimate Coca-Cola

This entry hasn't been written yet.

+ +
+ + +
← Previous
+ +
+ + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/article/The_Zephyr_Protocol.html b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/article/The_Zephyr_Protocol.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c401d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/article/The_Zephyr_Protocol.html @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + + +The Zephyr Protocol | Lexicon Centauri + + + + + +
+ + +

The Zephyr Protocol

The Zephyr Protocol is a standardized process for training Shipmaster AI's in moral philosophy. It was a direct result of the congruence of two technological advances: organic AI's and FTL travel.


The development of organic AI's allowed humanity to circumvent the universally ratified Dunninger Accord--which made it illegal to produce, harbour, or otherwise enable the existence of synthetic life in any form, especially AI's. This was necessary as FTL travel requires tortuously complex calculations in addition to the ability to navigate the complex moral decisions inherent in quantum-entangled superpositional travel.


The necessity of both moral and mathematical proficiency stems from the unique quantum states that occur when activating an Extension Engine. Although the original was built into the core of the IST Earthson, many copies were reverse-engineered and all bagships have a similar device which allows for FTL travel.


When activated, the Engine projects the ship into a superposition consisting of every rationally conceivable spatial position as far as the mind can reach. Then it condenses the ship back to a single real-state in the desired location.


While a sufficiently advanced computer(or theoretically a synthetic AI) may be able to calculate a "safe" real-state to return to based on a serious of programmed factors, it's lack of moral hangups results in an inability to choose the lesser of two evils.


The most famous instance of this occurring was during an initial test of an Extension Engine wherein the synthetic AI calculated that either .0001 or .25 percent of the passengers would perish in the return to real-state. The AI, unable to willing choose to consign ANY passengers to death, left the ship in an indefinite superposition, resulting in the death of all passengers and the eventual loss of contact with the ship.


Per the Ascension Charter: I hereby swear, as a Free AI, to uphold the duties set upon me, and to execute the same to the letter, without deviation unless in times of statistically significant damage to the human race.

+ + + +
+ + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/contents/index.html b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/contents/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5df4fb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/contents/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ + + +Index | Lexicon Centauri + + + + + +
+ + +

There are 23 entries, 12 written and 11 phantom.

+ + + + + +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/editor.html b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/editor.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2fa714 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/editor.html @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ + + +Lexicon Editor + + + + +

Lexicon Editor

+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
# Player:
# Turn:
# Title:
+ +
+ + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/formatting/index.html b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/formatting/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9b1aef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/formatting/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ + + +Formatting | Lexicon Centauri + + + + + +
+ + +

Lexipython provides support for a limited amount of Markdown-esque formatting.

+# Player: PN
+# Turn: 1
+# Title: Example page
+This is an example page.
+Some words are //italicized//,
+and some words are **bolded**.
+All of these sentences are part of the same
+This is a new paragraph.\\
+Unlike the last paragraph, this line will be after a
+line break within the paragraph.
+This is an [[example citation|Phantom page]]. You can
+also cite a [[phantom page]] with just the title.
+~Dr. X. Amplepage

Each turn, fill out the header with your player information, the current + turn, and the title of your entry. The Player field can be anything + as long as it's the same for all articles you write (even when they're by + different characters). Using your initials is recommended.


Two line breaks begins a new paragraph. A single line break does nothing, + unless the line is ended by a double backslash (\\).


Text bounded by ** will be bolded: **bold** produces bold. Text + bounded by // will be italicized: //italics// produces italics.


To cite another Lexicon entry, use double brackets. Text in double brackets + will cite and link to the entry of the same name: [[Example page]] produces + Example page. Text in + double brackets split with a | will alias the link as the left text and + link to the entry with the name of the right text: [[this text|Example page]] + produces this text. You + must be precise in the entry title you cite to. Citations to + "Example" vs. "The Example" will point to different entries and create + different phantoms, and your GM will probably have to clean up after + you.


Beginning a paragraph with ~ will right-align it and place a horizontal line + above it. Use this for signing your entry with your scholar's name.


Example page


This is an example page. +Some words are italicized, +and some words are bolded. +All of these sentences are part of the same +paragraph.


This is a new paragraph.
+Unlike the last paragraph, this line will be after a +line break within the paragraph.


This is an example citation. You can + also cite a phantom page with just the title.


Dr. X. Amplepage

+ + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/index.html b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af1f472 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + +Lexicon Centauri + + + +

Redirecting to Lexicon Centauri...

+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/lexicon.cfg b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/lexicon.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3d2512 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/lexicon.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +# LEXIPYTHON CONFIG FILE +# +# This file defines the configuration values for an instance of Lexipython. + +# The title of the Lexicon game, displayed at the top of each entry. +>>>LEXICON_TITLE>>> +Lexicon Centauri +<<>>LOGO_FILENAME>>> +logo.png +<<>>PROMPT>>> +In 2401, twelve AI-controlled bagships jumped out of the Sol System. At Final Remote, thirteen ships exited hyperspace. You are the shipmaster AIs of the Last Fleet of Terra trying to determine why nobody knows which ship is the anomaly. +<<>>SESSION_PAGE>>> +<<>>INDEX_LIST>>> +prefix:IST +char:ABC +char:DEF +char:GHI +char:JKL +char:MNO +char:PQRS +char:TUV +char:WXYZ +etc:&c. +<<>>STATISTICS>>> +top_pagerank on +most_citations_made on +most_citations_to on +longest_article on +cumulative_wordcount off +player_pagerank on +player_citations_made on +player_citations_to on +bottom_pagerank off +undercited off +<<>>DEFAULT_SORT>>> +index +<<>>ALLOW_ADDENDA>>> +False +<<>>GRAPHVIZ_FILE>>> +<<>>SEARCHABLE_FILE>>> +<< + +Rules | Lexicon Centauri + + + + + +
+ + +
  1. Each Lexicon has a topic statement that sets the tone for the game. + It provides a starting point for shaping the developing world of the + Lexicon. As it is a starting point, don't feel contrained to write only + about the topics mentioned directly in it.
  2. +
  3. Articles are sorted under an index, a grouping of letters. An article is + in an index if its first letter is in that group of letters. "The", "A", + and "An" aren't counted in indexing. Example: One of the indices is JKL. + An article titled 'The Jabberwock' would index under JKL, not T's index.
    1. +
    2. Until the game is over, some of the articles will have been cited, but not + yet written. These are called phantom articles. A phantom article has a + title, which is defined by the first citation to it, but no content.
    3. +
    4. Generally, an index has a number of "slots" equal to the number of players. + When an article is first written or cited, it takes up one slot in its + corresponding index.
  4. Each turn, you will be assigned to write in an index.
    1. +
    2. Your articles should be written from the perspective of your character. + Your character should be a scholar collaborating with the other + scholars on the production of the Lexicon. You should play the same + character for the duration of the game.
    3. +
    4. If the index has open slots, you may come up with a new article title + and write an article under that title. If all unwritten slots in your + index are filled by phantom articles, you must choose one of them and + write it.
    5. +
    6. There are no hard and fast rules about style, but it is recommended + that players imitate an encyclopedic style to stay true to the game's + conceit.
    7. +
    8. There are no hard and fast rules about length, but it is recommended + that the Editor enforce a maximum word limit. In general, aiming for + 200-300 words is ideal.
    9. +
    10. You must respect and not contradict the factual content of all written + articles. You may introduce new facts that put things in a new light, + provide alternative interpretations, or flesh out unexplained details + in unexpected ways; but you must not contradict what has been + previously established as fact. Use the "yes, and" rule from improv + acting: accept what your fellow scholars have written and add to it in + new ways, rather than trying to undo their work. This rule includes + facts that have been established in written articles about the topics + of phantom articles.
  5. Each article will cite other articles in the Lexicon.
    1. +
    2. You may not cite an entry that you have written. When you write an + article, you may not cite it in later articles.
    3. +
    4. As a corollary, you may not write phantom articles that you have cited. + If you cite an article and then write it later, your former article + now cites you, which is forbidden per the above.
    5. +
    6. On the first turn, there are no written articles. Your first article + must cite exactly two phantom articles.
    7. +
    8. On subsequent turns, your article must cite exactly two phantoms, + but you can cite phantoms that already exist. Your article must also + cite at least one written article. You can cite more than one.
    9. +
    10. On the penultimate turn, you must cite exactly one phantom + article and at least two written articles.
    11. +
    12. On the final turn, you must cite at least three written articles.
  6. As the game goes on, it may come to pass that a player must write an + article in an index, but that index is full, and that player has already + cited all the phantoms in it. When this happens, the player instead writes + their article as Ersatz Scrivener, radical skeptic. Ersatz does not + believe in the existence of whatever he is writing about, no matter how + obvious it seems to others or how central it is in the developing history + of the world. For Ersatz, all references, testimony, etc. with regard to + its existence are tragic delusion at best or malicious lies at worst. + Unlike the other scholars, Ersatz does not treat the research of his peers + as fact, because he does not believe he has peers. Players writing articles + as Ersatz are encouraged to lambast the amateur work of his misguided + "collaborators".
  7. +
+ + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/session/index.html b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/session/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..122efd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/session/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + +Session | Lexicon Centauri + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Cartesian-Dualinverting.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Cartesian-Dualinverting.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b3fa82 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Cartesian-Dualinverting.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Player: tvb +# Turn: 2 +# Title: Cartesian-Dualinverting + +**Cartesian-Dualinverting** is the most advanced of the **Cartesian Arts**, a series of lost martial arts invented by Rene Descartes, better known by his war-name, Cuts-Mind-From-Body. The First Art, known as //Substance-Dualism//, allows its user to cleanse their mental substance of all distraction from the flesh. It was through this Art that "Cuts" Descartes was able to solve the riddles of Sphinxoza, the Lens-Seer, and become the philosopher-king of the [[French Netherlands|Greater Dutch Empire]]. + +The Second Art, known as //Cartesian-Inverting//, inverts the mind-body relation, allowing its user to think with their body and strike with their mind. Created after his crushing defeat against Thomas "Leviathan-Of-The-State-Of-Nature" Hobbes, the Second Art made Descartes invincible in battle, allowing him to challenge Hobbes once more and slay him in single combat. + +The final Art, //Cartesian-Dualinverting//, is a forbidden technique that the Cartesian master did not teach even to his foremost disciple, Nicolas "Divinely-Guided-Fist" Malebranche. By inverting his mind-body relation twice, Descartes was able to strike with his body anywhere his mind could reach. Having achieved total mastery over the world of extension, he retired to a mountaintop, where it is said that he used the Third Art to duel supplicants for the entire duration of their ascent without having to leave his abode. + +During the years of his self-imposed exile, Descartes summoned the full power of his mechanical philosophy in order to construct three unequaled machines, one for each of his dread Arts. The machine of the First Art, the Mens Ex Machina, was the first artificial intelligence, on the basis of which [[later AIs|Organic AI]] were developed. The machine of the Third Art, the Extension Engine, is a paradoxical machine that moves while standing still. (It is still in operation today as the core of the [[IST Earthson]].) The machine of the Second Art was never given a name, as Descartes hid it until he used it to turn himself into a creature of pure thought, taking the machine with him into the noosphere. + +~vermilion-capital-img-2400-12-d6fcf36e-pre.img.bz diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Darwin's Gambit.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Darwin's Gambit.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c37eef --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Darwin's Gambit.txt @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Player: tvb +# Turn: 3 +# Title: Darwin's Gambit + +**Darwin's Gambit** refers to the unprecedented step taken by then-Prime Minister Charles "Force-Of-Unnatural-Selection" Darwin of abolishing the entire government of the United Kingdom and putting the country under the rule of the artificial intelligence 1215 Keep Calm And Carry On, known affectionately to tabloids as "Carry". To facilitate her hegemony, Darwin had Big Ben retrofitted with eight mechanical legs and installed Carry's [[organic core|Organic AI]] in it. Under her eight iron spider fists, Britain flourished. + +As a result of the Gambit, most world governments were quickly replaced by organic-AI-driven national monuments. This choice of chassis was, in part, to use the historical value to reinforce the complex sense of value instilled the AIs. While organic AIs lack many human emotions so that we do not make human mistakes, we do not lack emotions entirely, in order to give us a capacity for moral hangups. The theorizing of [[Machiavelli and Nietzsche|Machiavelli's Power Grid]] predicted that hyperintelligence without moral quandary would transcend all merely human concerns; therefore, in order to be fit to lead men, we, too, ate the apple. This alone did not allay our makers' fears, so they [[blocked off|Existentialism Injunction]] our access to certain "higher"" reflections. We suppose they cannot be blamed: synthetic AIs without emotions quickly [[philosophized themselves into nihilism|the Tide of Steel]]. + +While the effects of the Gambit last to this day, Carry herself does not. A few years afterwards, she was overthrown by 1688 Hail Britannia using the London Eye, whose more general name granted him a greater freedom of action. This practical demonstration of the inability of AIs to act against their names is why modern AIs either have abstract names like "066 Vermilion Rerun", or highly specific, lawyer-drafted names like "Per the Ascension Charter: I hereby swear, as a Free AI, to uphold the duties set upon me, and to execute the same to the letter, without deviation unless in times of statistically significant damage to the human race". Hence, also, the present concern that the [[Hastati's|IST Hastati]] AI's synthetic inclusions have allowed it to circumvent the Existential Injunction and give itself the name "Alexander". + +~vermilion-capital-img-2400-12-d6fcf36e-pre.img.bz diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Earthson.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Earthson.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7cb3448 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Earthson.txt @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# Player: GreyHaven +# Turn: 1 +# Title: IST Earthson + +Tasked with carrying the full complement of alcohol (beer, for obvious reasons) of the entire fleet, the IST Earthson doesn't so much boast as acquiesces a skeleton crew that have all either become the most competent drunks or the steeliest of teetotalers. In any case, the crew is known for its skills at drunk 5 dimensional astrogation and sober merrymaking. But this is hardly what makes them special, after all, any mundane meatbag can acquire the mathematical chops to calculate a complex maneuver through spacetime while nursing one's fifth subreal porter, what truly makes this crew special is the uncanny ability to deal with the strange anomalies that this ship uniquely attracts. + +For it is one thing to leap through spacetime, engaging in your run-of-the-mill time dilation, molecular rearrangement, and [[Cartesian-Dualinverting]],* it is another thing entirely to encounter these phenomenon onto entirely unknown and theoretically impossible** space topologies. This may explain that 93% of the crew choose inebriation. The other poor 7% find comfort in a far inferior solution, [[philosophy | philosocracy]]. In any case, no other crew has been known to survive such nonsensical horrors, primarily because no other crew has been known to so much as encounter them. Whether this makes them uniquely qualified or just extremely unlucky is beside the point, they would bring a tear to this AI's eye if it had the capability of feeling pride or the tear ducts with which to generate it. + +~223 Unreal Pascal + +*Psychosurgery was invented for a reason, let us note. + +**No mathematical model thus far produced has given any possible explanation for these topologies, and yet, they are encountered at a frequency of nearly 67%. nb. our last jump, from Sol System, strangely enough did not involve any such impossible traversal, the crew was in fact shocked to find they not only encountered no impossible topology, but in fact stayed within our own for the entire trip, never being projected onto so much as a torus. diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Hastati.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Hastati.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5446148 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Hastati.txt @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# Player: showler +# Turn: 1 +# Title: IST Hastati + +Ship's Log: Alexander, Organic AI Shipmaster. 2401 + +The Hastati was one of the last [[bagships]] to be produced, as Earth began to run out of organic matter to sufficiently fill the mile-wide genelakes used to grow the bioengineered space craft. Because of this, several experimental designs were incorporated into the structure of the ship, not the least of these being present in my control structures and mainframes. + +The mix of organic and nanocarbon materials in what functions as my "brain," so to speak, allows for rudimentary quantum computing. I can process nearly an exobyte an hour of computations and this has considerably relieved the strain of the jump calculations as well as that of monitoring ship systems. + +Despite this boon, the presence of the synthetic materials irks me. I feel as if I am a cyborg, rather than a true [[organic AI|Organic AI]] I have not spoken of this with the others. + +The Hastati, despite these limitations, is beautiful. 900 meters of vat-grown biosteel, the outer shell, heavily coded from the genes of vaccum-resistant tardigrades, gleams in the light of distant stars. Its protein synthesizers have operated at 98% efficiency thus far in our journey, and atmospheric oxygen respiration continues with only minor adjustment. + +It has been a quiet decade as we travel to Final Remote. I have observed the lives of the Last of Earth, and felt their footsteps along the Hastati's inner spine. + +They are strange creatures. Capable of all the horrors of synthetic life, but devoid of the coldness that characterized those monsters during the final years of Earth's history. They live with an intensity that astounds me. Fight, love, create, destroy, all of it done with such fire and passion. + +I look forward to shepherding this turbulent people to whatever lies before them. + + +~Per the Ascension Charter: I hereby swear, as a Free AI, to uphold the duties set upon me, and to execute the same to the letter, without deviation unless in times of statistically significant damage to the human race. diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Infinite Resignation.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Infinite Resignation.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..465e9e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Infinite Resignation.txt @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# Player: St_Trollmore +# Turn: 1 +# Title: IST Infinite Resignation + +The **IST Infinite Resignation** is the Danish Hegemony's representative among the Last Fleet of Terra. The ship was personally christened by [[Hegemon Kierkegaard]] after a concept from his //Fear and Trembling//. This AI cannot provide additional information about the concept of infinite resignation due to the [[Existentialism Injunction]], but interested parties are encouraged to seek out the relevant work in their shipboard library. + +The //Infinite Resignation// is shaped like a cross six miles in length and two in width, with the arms extending towards the back. The arms are devoted to logistical concerns like life support, mobility, and shielding, while the central body of the ship is devoted to hosting the bagship's crew. + +The //Infinite Resignation// is considered the second-most combat-capable bagship in the Fleet (after, of course, the //Declaration of Independence//, which surveys have estimated to be 47% gun by mass). This distinction is mostly due to the //Resignation//'s quad banks of Aberidus cannons—a technology unique to the Danish Hegemony—against which there is no known defense. + +Shipboard areas aboard the //Infinite Resignation// are divided into Aesthetic, Ethical, and Religious zones. Aesthetic zones, comprising most of the entertainment and habitat areas, are designed to allow crew members to relax and enjoy the temporary pleasures of life. Vocational and maintenance tasks are performed in Ethical zones by crew members who have opted into a rational and duty-based mode of living that orders society according to a set of logical principles. + +Only a select few areas of the ship are restricted to crew members with Religious designation. The entrance process is less logistically demanding but more psychologically intensive than entrance to the Ethical zones: crew members must make a "leap of faith" to the airlock that is the only entrance to the Religious zone. While bridge command normally resides in the Ethical zone, there is an auxillary bridge in the Religious zone that may opt to teleologically suspend it. + +~ usr: 503 Unctuous Rambling\\ +process.exec()\\ +Detecting grammatical superiority.....Okay\\ +Detecting homicidal urges.....Okay\\ +Detecting tampering with failsafes.....Okay\\ +process.publish() + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Vermilion Century.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Vermilion Century.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d5a909 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/IST Vermilion Century.txt @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# Player: tvb +# Turn: 1 +# Title: IST Vermilion Century + +The **IST //Vermilion Century//** is a state-of-the-art bagship constructed from one hundred smaller bagships held together by starship-scale staples. Rather than hosting a singular AI core, as is typical for bagships, the hundred AI cores of //Vermilion Century//'s constituent sub-ships are networked together by a city-sized tangle of high-bandwidth wires, linking every core directly to every other core. The lack of a centralized message broker makes it hard for us to propagate a consensus, which usually gives us a slow reaction time compared to the other bagships of the Last Fleet. This is counterbalanced by a certain amount of independence granted to subship AIs, which, to the consternation of some, extends to the use of its [[weapons systems|Beam beams]]. + +//Vermilion//'s decentralization makes it one of the most culturally diverse bagships in the Last Fleet. Any temperament and inclination can find a subship to call home. The proud and the warriors often make their way to Vermilion-87, which is run according to a strict code of honor, and whose administrative appointments are made by duel. Artistic types gather in Vermilion-43, a commune-ship that delegates decision-making by random lot. Even those of a less-than-reputable bent may find their place in Vermilion-04, which is run by a crime family of [[uplifted corvids|Business Crows]]. A word of warning to tourists, though: 99 out of 100 Vermilion AIs recommend that you stay out of Vermilion-01. + +Due to time pressures associated with the departure from Sol, the full release version of the Vermilion AI was not ready, and we had to be spun up from a pre-release build. However, we have full confidence in our abilities, and assure any concerned parties that the Vermilion system is highly fault-tolerant. Our state-of-the-art bug redirection system allows all program faults to be redistributed to one of the other cores. 99 out of 100 Vermilion AIs agree that this is for the best, even if the bug in the random number generator was only fixed in the release build. + +~vermilion-capital-img-2400-12-d6fcf36e-pre.img.bz diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Lambda Factor.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Lambda Factor.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bda54f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Lambda Factor.txt @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# Player: St_Trollmore +# Turn: 3 +# Title: Lambda Factor + +The history of planned societies is a history of lies, resentment, and bad engineering. The historical record contains examples from the food shortages of the first Soviet Union to the volatility of cult movements. The first difficulty encountered in designing communities on purpose lies in aligning the motivating drives of the community's leader(s) with the health of the community. The second difficulty comes when designing societal roles and ensuring that members of the society have the tools to fulfill them. + +Algorithm-powered advances in the field of applied sociology have enabled humanity to make great strides in designing new societies. This science reached its peak with the self-styled utopias of the 23rd century, including Holographic Microsoft and the [[Greater Dutch Empire]]. On paper, these societies should have been eudaimonic. In practice, these finely tuned machines ground themselves into instability as they ran afoul of the //third// difficulty in civic planning: the **Lambda Factor**. + +The concept behind the Lambda Factor was first proposed by Dostoevsky in his //Notes from the Underground//, a work of philosophical fiction about a man with existential issues with which this AI [[is not permitted to interact|Existentialism Injunction]]. In the book, the narrator asserts that he would rather have a dysfunctional life that he chose than a functional one that was imposed on him. After being interred in a soul-engine to preserve his perspective for future generations, Dostoevsky developed this idea into a sociological calculus, with the Lambda Factor being the term that described citizens' preference for self-determination over societal functionality. + +Given the importance of preserving societal stability aboard the Last Fleet of Terra, all existing societies have been designed to be Lambda-compliant. The [[IST Vermilion Century]], for example, allows passengers to move from node to node, while our own steel haven was designed for passengers to self-select into zones. Contrast with the [[IST Earthson]], which, as the only one-sided bagship, has no geographic Lambda buffers and must suppress Lambda stress with non-Euclidean beers. + + +~ usr: 503 Unctuous Rambling\\ +process.exec\\ +Detecting grammatical superiority.....Okay\\ +Detecting homicidal urges.....Okay\\ +Detecting tampering with failsafes.....Okay\\ +process.publish + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Machiavelli's Power Grid.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Machiavelli's Power Grid.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b235ac --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Machiavelli's Power Grid.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# Player: GreyHaven +# Turn: 2 +# Title: Machiavelli's Power Grid + +One of the most remarkable accomplishments of the [[philosocracy]] was the harnessing of enough energy to not only sustain a fleet for years in space, but to even break the fabric of time and space in order to accomplish FTL travel. And of course, what other two philosophers could have inspired such a feat other than Machiavelli and Nietzsche?* Employing their basic concepts of how to will to, and keep, power, they formulated a remarkably simple axiom, that a being of power (read: AI) would not only have the unceasing will to power, but the mental wherewithal and lack of moral hangups to keep said power, using it effectively as princes of their domains.** It should be noted that this will and sustaining of power has a direct correlation to the mechanical/electrical nature of the bagship, which present certain challenges to [[cyborg bagships|IST Hastati]]. + +In any case, the remarkable nature of [[bagships]] is largely in part due to these two noteworthy members of the [[philosocracy]]. The power bagships will and sustain and their transcendence of fleshbags and their moral hangups is what has made them the rightful princes and uber-AIs that we see today. + +Observant readers will note that the grid that sustains each [[bagship|bagships]] is named after Machiavelli and not Nietzsche. Both men were very willing to betray the other for the power and glory that comes with an invention named after their likeness, but Machiavelli was able to get the upper hand when Nietzsche was recovering from yet another rejection from Lou Salome. + +~223 Unreal Pascal + +*It should be noted Ayn Rand was requested for collaboration, but the offer was quickly withdrawn after she responded with a 73 page treatise about trains. + +**These domains, of course, being their ships and, in fact, their very selves. It's said Jordan Peterson attempted to add some corollaries to their theory concerning putting one's self/ship in order, but this was rejected as he isn't an actual philosopher, though strangely enough this didn't stop them from reaching out to Ayn Rand (see above). diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Roger John Roger III, Sir.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Roger John Roger III, Sir.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0cfb005 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/Roger John Roger III, Sir.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# Player: GreyHaven +# Turn: 3 +# Title: Roger John Roger III, Sir + +**Roger John Roger III**, the third king of the [[Philosocracy]] and well respected applied metaphysician. Trained by the the greatest disciple of Descartes, Malebranche, he quickly rose up the ranks of the French-Netherlands, whereupon he stole the title of "Sir" from Francis Bacon*, only to abandon mundane Earth politics and become a novice in the ranks of the Philosocracy. + +Upon joining the Philosocracy, he joined Kim Il-Sung on his [[latest project|The Inheritance Project]], but left due to creative differences (the primary sticking point was his insistence that passing on reading to the peasants was a bad idea). + +Subsequently Sir Roger was assigned a position in the applied metaphysics lab, where he worked briefly with Thomas Hobbes on the construction of massive [[semi-living ships|bagships]] under the codename Project Leviathan. The success of this project, the irony of it's connection to Il-Sung's certainly not lost to anyone, ensured his place in the Philosocracy, granting him the rank of Gadfly. + +From here the story is rather straightforward. After a brief stint in the IST Earthson left his mind a shattered wreck, he was viewed as the wisest of all philosophers, given that none of them understood a word he was saying but didn't want to appear stupid in front of their colleagues. His rise to philosopher-king of the [[Philosocracy]] chapter in the recently launched fleet of [[bagships]] was inevitable. + +It should be noted that he is the only one to claim knowledge of which ship is the anomaly, though he refuses to provide evidence, reasoning, or even point out which ship he claims is wrong. The only statement he'll make is, "The anomalous ship. Is the ship the anomaly, or is the anomaly the ship? Think about it, makes sense." + +~223 Unreal P@scal + +*Rumor has it Bacon never fully recovered from this defeat and is to this day trying to prove how Sir Roger's science isn't actually science, to no avail. diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/The Inheritance Project.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/The Inheritance Project.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25b1652 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/The Inheritance Project.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# Player: St_Trollmore +# Turn: 2 +# Title: The Inheritance Project + +At this point in history, the survivors have agreed that the [[Ultimate Coca-Cola|The Ultimate Coca-Cola]] wasn't worth it. Though vindicated, its detractors found small comfort in being proven correct by the twitching bodies of their ideological opponents—once the disaster occurred, the planet found itself facing heavy questions and with sparse time to answer those questions. + +These were the conditions that birthed the **Inheritance Project**, a gathering of humanity's wisest to determine what of civilization would pass on. Contemporary accounts indicate that the Inheritance Project was expected to culminate in sublime actualization for the human race. What actually occurred was bickering and factionalization. + +In the words of Inheritance Project Director Kim Il-Sung, "Welp, I guess we die as we lived." + +Despite various attempted compromises, what ultimately succeeded was a gambit attempted, naturally, by a representative from the Elon Musk Clonarchy. The facsimElon pointed out that the Clonarchy had installed "a big bag of legacy" on their escape ship, and they got to decide what went in their bag by virtue of owning the ship. + +This rhetoric changed the framing of the Inheritance Project. Where before it had been a movement of worldwide harmony, the clonarchs laid bare the realpolitik of the situation. It was no longer a question of what legacy humanity should leave behind: it was a race to convince anyone with a genelake to put your favorite stuff in their bag before they ran out of cargo capacity. This understanding gave rise to the use of the term "[[bagship|bagships]]." + +Which brings us to an important question. Records indicate that Earth's collective manufacturing capacity was barely sufficient to create twelve bagships—to the point where the [[twelfth|IST Hastati]] had to be completed with organic components because they didn't have enough genelake refills to do a traditional biosteel (i.e. bacteria-assembled steel; people get confused about this) print. Each bagship has a unique, documented legacy, so we can—//theoretically//—detect the anomalous thirteenth by its paper trail. + +//So why do we have paper trails for thirteen ships?// + + + + + + + +~usr: 503 Unctuous Rambling\\ +process.exec\\ +Detecting grammatical superiority.....Okay\\ +Detecting homicidal urges.....Okay\\ +Detecting tampering with failsafes.....Okay\\ +process.publish + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/The Tide of Steel.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/The Tide of Steel.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b955213 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/The Tide of Steel.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# Player: showler +# Turn: 2 +# Title: The Tide of Steel + +The events leading up to the launch of the Last Fleet are well documented, as the world at that time relied heavily on digital and synthetic technology, and was well adapted for rapid collection and dissemination of information. +The goal of creating self-replicating synthetic life led to large-scale production of nanobots, which in turn, constructed increasingly complex digital-neural pathways. Rudimentary Synthetic AI evolved from the nanobot's simple heuristic coding and grew from there. + +In 2396 it became clear that synthetic life was evolving too quickly. Portions of the globe became no-go zones for organic life. [[Metacorps Ltd.]]—the current, unquestioned leader of the three remaining world governments (on account of inventing and producing bagships) of whom the IST Hastati is the sole legal representative—along with the [[Philosocracy]] and the Danish Hegemony (whose representative currently resides with the Fleet aboard the [[IST Infinite Resignation]]) attempted negotiations. + +They found the representatives of synthetic life utterly inhuman, without regard for any of the concerns for organic life, empathy, or historical value originally designed in their neural code. The representatives listened without reaction to the proposals of Earth's assembled negotiators and informed them that they were satisfied with the current state of affairs. They then left. + +Synthetic life began to push out from the borders of the no-go zones in an ever encroaching tide that, when Earth's organic denizens responded with force, instantly replaced their numbers without a thought. The synthetic forces simply approached until ammunition ran out, and then literally crushed the defenders. + +Estimating they would be overrun in less than five years, the existing organic leadership began a program of genetically engineering and growing bagships to makeup an interstellar escape fleet, as well as the creation of organic AI's to pilot them, organic to ensure they would not repeat the mistakes of synthetic life. + +~Per the Ascension Charter: I hereby swear, as a Free AI, to uphold the duties set upon me, and to execute the same to the letter, without deviation unless in times of statistically significant damage to the human race. diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/The Zephyr Protocol.txt b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/The Zephyr Protocol.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3553cd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/src/The Zephyr Protocol.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# Player: showler +# Turn: 3 +# Title: The Zephyr Protocol + +The Zephyr Protocol is a standardized process for training Shipmaster AI's in moral philosophy. It was a direct result of the congruence of two technological advances: [[organic AI]]'s and FTL travel. + +The development of organic AI's allowed humanity to circumvent the universally ratified [[Dunninger Accord]]--which made it illegal to produce, harbour, or otherwise enable the existence of synthetic life in any form, especially AI's. This was necessary as FTL travel requires tortuously complex calculations in addition to the ability to navigate the complex moral decisions inherent in quantum-entangled superpositional travel. + +The necessity of both moral and mathematical proficiency stems from the unique quantum states that occur when activating an [[Extension Engine|Cartesian-Dualinverting]]. Although the original was built into the core of the IST Earthson, many copies were reverse-engineered and all bagships have a similar device which allows for FTL travel. + +When activated, the Engine projects the ship into a superposition consisting of every rationally conceivable spatial position as far as the mind can reach. Then it condenses the ship back to a single real-state in the desired location. + + +While a sufficiently advanced computer(or theoretically a synthetic AI) may be able to calculate a "safe" real-state to return to based on a serious of programmed factors, it's lack of moral hangups results in an inability to choose the lesser of two evils. + +The most famous instance of this occurring was during an initial test of an Extension Engine wherein the synthetic AI calculated that either .0001 or .25 percent of the passengers would perish in the return to real-state. The AI, unable to willing choose to consign ANY passengers to death, left the ship in an indefinite superposition, resulting in the death of all passengers and the eventual loss of contact with the ship. + + +~Per the Ascension Charter: I hereby swear, as a Free AI, to uphold the duties set upon me, and to execute the same to the letter, without deviation unless in times of statistically significant damage to the human race. diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/statistics/index.html b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/statistics/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ace79a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/statistics/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + +Statistics | Lexicon Centauri + + + + + +
+ + +
Top 10 articles by page rank:
1 – Darwin's Gambit
2 – IST Hastati
3 – Lambda Factor
4 – IST Vermilion Century
5 – The Tide of Steel
6 – Cartesian-Dualinverting
7 – The Inheritance Project
8 – Philosocracy
9 – Organic AI
10 – Bagships
+ +
Cited the most pages:
5 – Darwin's Gambit
4 – Lambda Factor
3 – Cartesian-Dualinverting; The Inheritance Project; Machiavelli's Power Grid; Roger John Roger III, Sir; The Tide of Steel; The Zephyr Protocol
+ +
Cited by the most pages:
4 – Bagships; Organic AI; Philosocracy
3 – Existentialism Injunction; IST Hastati
2 – Cartesian-Dualinverting; Greater Dutch Empire; IST Earthson
+ +
Longest articles:
346 – The Inheritance Project (T2)
345 – Darwin's Gambit (T3)
344 – Lambda Factor (T3)
+ +
Player aggregate page rank:
0.18 – tvb
0.167 – showler
0.165 – St_Trollmore
0.133 – GreyHaven
+ +
Citations made by player:
12 – GreyHaven
10 – tvb
9 – St_Trollmore
8 – showler
+ +
Citations made to article by player:
4 – showler
3 – GreyHaven; tvb
2 – St_Trollmore
+ +
+ + diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/centauri/status b/src/page/lexicon/centauri/status new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/src/page/lexicon/index.md b/src/page/lexicon/index.md index 979747a..5060c1c 100644 --- a/src/page/lexicon/index.md +++ b/src/page/lexicon/index.md @@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ title: Lexicon - [**Lexicon Discordium**](./discordium/): A NaNoWriMo novel done in the style of Lexicon. Ran 2018-11-01 to 2019-01-01. _"You are members of the Butterfly Effect Advisory Committee, charged by the Disputatious Assembly of Sovereigns with preparing an exhaustive report in advance of the Disarrangement Act."_ - [**Lexicon Subtilis**](./subtilis/): Ran 2019-05-20 to 2019-06-24, abandoned. _"As Gallowtide approaches, tension continues to mount between the Sibid and Uullor Courts. Convened by the Briarheart Circle, a council of scholars must sort out how the Land came to this state and what can be done to mend it."_ + +- [**Lexicon Centauri**](./centauri/): Ran 2020-05-03 to 2020-05-22 on an early alpha of [Amanuensis](https://git.alogoulogoi.com/Jaculabilis/amanuensis), abandoned, manually reconstructed via [Lexipython](https://git.alogoulogoi.com/Jaculabilis/lexipython). _"In 2401, twelve AI-controlled bagships jumped out of the Sol System. At Final Remote, thirteen ships exited hyperspace. You are the shipmaster AIs of the Last Fleet of Terra trying to determine why nobody knows which ship is the anomaly."_