#include #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include "barcode_service.h" #define DEV_ID_PREFIX "/dev/input/by-id/" int main(int argc, char **argv) { zsock_t *zsock; args cli_args = {}; barcode barcode; int input_fd; /* Read command line arguments. */ if (argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, 0, NULL, &cli_args) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not read command line arguments!\n"); exit(1); } /* Acquire input device event fd. */ const int path_size = strlen(DEV_ID_PREFIX) + strlen(cli_args.dev_id); char *path = Calloc(path_size + 1); strcpy(path, DEV_ID_PREFIX); strcat(path, cli_args.dev_id); if ((input_fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open input device at %s!\n", path); exit(input_fd); } free(path); /* Open ZMQ 'PUB' socket. */ zsock = zsock_new_pub((const char *) cli_args.zmq_endpoint); if (zsock == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to bind new ZMQ socket!"); } /* Acquire and send barcodes through the ZMQ socket. */ while (true) { barcode = await_next_barcode(input_fd); if (zsock_send(zsock, "s", barcode) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Sending barcode failed!\n"); } free(barcode); } } /** * Read from an input device file descriptor given by fd. Return the barcode * that was read. The barcode will need to be returned to the heap. */ static barcode await_next_barcode(int fd) { char c; barcode barcode; ll_string *ll_barcode = NULL; while ((c = decode_next_event(fd)) != '\n') { ll_string_append(ll_barcode, c); } barcode = ll_string_to_c_string(ll_barcode); ll_string_free(ll_barcode); return barcode; } /** * Decode an input event from the file descriptor. * If successful, return a char cast to an int containing an interpretation * of the character read, in lower case. * Not all input events are as straightforward as 'key x was depressed'. To this * end, this function will block and wait for the next input event until it sees * a key being pressed. */ static char decode_next_event(int fd) { struct input_event event; while (true) { /* * Read the next event. */ ssize_t n_read = read(fd, &event, sizeof(struct input_event)); if (n_read != sizeof(struct input_event)) { fprintf(stderr, "Read interrupted!\n"); exit(1); } /* * If we received a keypress event, decode the keycode responsible. */ if (event.type == EV_KEY) { switch (event.code) { #define DECODE_KEY(key_name, decode_char) case (KEY_##key_name): return decode_char DECODE_KEY(ENTER, '\n'); DECODE_KEY(0, '0'); DECODE_KEY(1, '1'); DECODE_KEY(2, '2'); DECODE_KEY(3, '3'); DECODE_KEY(4, '4'); DECODE_KEY(5, '5'); DECODE_KEY(6, '6'); DECODE_KEY(7, '7'); DECODE_KEY(8, '8'); DECODE_KEY(9, '9'); DECODE_KEY(A, 'a'); DECODE_KEY(B, 'b'); DECODE_KEY(C, 'c'); DECODE_KEY(D, 'd'); DECODE_KEY(E, 'e'); DECODE_KEY(F, 'f'); DECODE_KEY(G, 'g'); DECODE_KEY(H, 'h'); DECODE_KEY(I, 'i'); DECODE_KEY(J, 'j'); DECODE_KEY(K, 'k'); DECODE_KEY(L, 'l'); DECODE_KEY(M, 'm'); DECODE_KEY(N, 'n'); DECODE_KEY(O, 'o'); DECODE_KEY(P, 'p'); DECODE_KEY(Q, 'q'); DECODE_KEY(R, 'r'); DECODE_KEY(S, 's'); DECODE_KEY(T, 't'); DECODE_KEY(U, 'u'); DECODE_KEY(V, 'v'); DECODE_KEY(W, 'w'); DECODE_KEY(X, 'x'); DECODE_KEY(Y, 'y'); DECODE_KEY(Z, 'z'); default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown key code %d (?!)", event.code); continue; } } } } /** * Parsing hook for each argument encountered. This populates an 'args' struct * and also verifies both that all necessary options are specified and that no * unknown arguments are offered. */ error_t parse_opt(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { args* cli_args = state->input; // Verify that both arguments have values. switch (key) { // Device ID case 'd': cli_args->dev_id = arg; break; // ZMQ Endpoint case 'e': cli_args->zmq_endpoint = arg; break; // Don't support positional arguments. case ARGP_KEY_ARG: argp_usage(state); break; // Verify arguments passed at the end. case ARGP_KEY_END: if (cli_args->dev_id == NULL || cli_args->zmq_endpoint == NULL) argp_usage(state); break; default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; } /** * Attempt to malloc `size` bytes. On failure, causes the program to exit. */ static void * Malloc(size_t size) { void *ptr = malloc(size); if (ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not malloc %zu bytes!\n", size); exit(1); } return ptr; } /** * Attempt to malloc `size` bytes. On failure, causes the program to exit. */ static void * Calloc(size_t size) { void *ptr = calloc(1, size); if (ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not malloc %zu bytes!\n", size); exit(1); } return ptr; } /** * VARIOUS ll_string FUNCTIONS */ static char * ll_string_to_c_string(ll_string *l) { ll_string *rest = l; unsigned int size = ll_string_len(l); char *c_string = Malloc(size + 1); // NUL-terminate the C string. c_string[size] = '\x00'; // Copy the rest of the linked list into the C-string. for (int i = size; i > 0; i--) { c_string[i] = rest->character; rest = rest->next; } return c_string; } static ll_string * ll_string_append(ll_string *l, char c) { ll_string *new_head = Malloc(sizeof(ll_string)); new_head->character = c; new_head->next = l; return new_head; } static unsigned int ll_string_len(ll_string *l) { if (l == NULL) { return 0; } else { return 1 + ll_string_len(l->next); } } static void ll_string_free(ll_string *l) { if (l != NULL) { ll_string *next = l->next; free(l); ll_string_free(next); } }