Look to La Luna Don't leave the house today We will all die one day You are throwing your life away Go outside! Give up! You will die alone Ask again later Wake up You are worshiping a sun god Stay asleep Marry and reproduce Question authority Think for yourself Steven lives Bring him the photo Your soul is hidden deep within the darkness You were born wrong You are dark inside You will never be forgiven When life gives you lemons, reroll! It is dangerous to go alone Go to the next room You will die Why so blue? Your princess is in another castle You make mistakes, it is only natural A hanged man brings you no luck today The devil in disguise Nobody knows the troubles you have seen Do not look so hurt, others have problems too Always your head in the clouds Do not lose your head Do not cry over spilled tears Well that was worthless Sunrays on your little face Have you seen the exit? Always look on the bright side Get a baby pet, it will cheer you up Meet strangers without prejudice Only a sinner See what he sees, do what he does Lies Lucky numbers: 16 31 64 70 74 Go directly to jail Rebirth got cancelled Follow the cat You look fat, you should exercise more Take your medicine Come to a fork in the road, take it Believe in yourself Trust no one Trust good people Follow the dog Follow the zebra What do you want to do today Use bombs wisely Live to die You are playing it wrong, give me the controller Choose your own path Your old life lies in ruin I feel asleep!!! May your troubles be many Blame nobody but yourself