
88 lines
2.4 KiB

import os
import re
import io
from urllib import parse
import pkg_resources
# Short utility functions for handling titles
def titlecase(s):
Capitalizes the first word.
s = s.strip()
return s[:1].capitalize() + s[1:]
def titleescape(s):
Makes an article title filename-safe.
s = s.strip()
s = re.sub(r"\s+", '_', s) # Replace whitespace with _
s = re.sub(r"~", '-', s) # parse.quote doesn't catch ~
s = parse.quote(s) # Encode all other characters
s = re.sub(r"%", "", s) # Strip encoding %s
s = s[:64] # Limit to 64 characters
return s
def titlesort(s):
Reduces titles down for sorting.
s = s.lower()
if s.startswith("the "): return s[4:]
if s.startswith("an "): return s[3:]
if s.startswith("a "): return s[2:]
return s
# Load functions
def load_resource(filename, cache={}):
"""Loads files from the resources directory with caching."""
if filename not in cache:
binary = pkg_resources.resource_string("resources", filename)
unistr = binary.decode("utf-8")
cache[filename] = unistr
return cache[filename]
def parse_config_file(f):
"""Parses a Lexipython config file."""
config = {}
line = f.readline()
while line:
# Skim lines until a value definition begins
conf_match = re.match(r">>>([^>]+)>>>\s+", line)
if not conf_match:
line = f.readline()
# Accumulate the conf value until the value ends
conf = conf_match.group(1)
conf_value = ""
line = f.readline()
conf_match = re.match(r"<<<{0}<<<\s+".format(conf), line)
while line and not conf_match:
conf_value += line
line = f.readline()
conf_match = re.match(r"<<<{0}<<<\s+".format(conf), line)
if not line:
raise EOFError("Reached EOF while reading config value {}".format(conf))
config[conf] = conf_value.strip()
return config
def load_config(name):
Loads values from a Lexicon's config file.
with open(os.path.join("lexicon", name, "lexicon.cfg"), "r", encoding="utf8") as f:
config = parse_config_file(f)
# Check that no values are missing that are present in the default config
with io.StringIO(load_resource("lexicon.cfg")) as f:
default_config = parse_config_file(f)
missing_keys = []
for key in default_config.keys():
if key not in config:
if missing_keys:
raise KeyError("{} missing config values for: {}".format(name, " ".join(missing_keys)))
return config