import sys # For argv and stderr import os # For reading directories import re # For parsing lex content import io # For writing pages out as UTF-8 import networkx # For pagerank analytics from collections import defaultdict # For rank inversion in statistics from src import utils from src.article import LexiconArticle class LexiconPage: """ An abstraction layer around formatting a Lexicon page skeleton with kwargs so that kwargs that are constant across pages aren't repeated. """ def __init__(self, skeleton=None, page=None): self.kwargs = {} self.skeleton = skeleton if page is not None: self.skeleton = page.skeleton self.kwargs = dict(page.kwargs) def add_kwargs(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs.update(kwargs) def format(self, **kwargs): total_kwargs = {**self.kwargs, **kwargs} return self.skeleton.format(**total_kwargs) def build_contents_page(page, articles, index_list): """ Builds the full HTML of the contents page. """ content = "
" # Head the contents page with counts of written and phantom articles phantom_count = len([article for article in articles if article.player is None]) if phantom_count == 0: content += "

There are {0} entries in this lexicon.

\n".format(len(articles)) else: content += "

There are {0} entries, {1} written and {2} phantom.

\n".format( len(articles), len(articles) - phantom_count, phantom_count) # Prepare article links link_by_title = {article.title : "{0}".format( article.title, article.title_filesafe, " class=\"phantom\"" if article.player is None else "") for article in articles} # Write the articles in alphabetical order content += utils.load_resource("contents.html") content += "
\n" # Write the articles in turn order content += "
\n" # Fill in the page skeleton return page.format(title="Index", content=content) def build_rules_page(page): """ Builds the full HTML of the rules page. """ content = utils.load_resource("rules.html") # Fill in the entry skeleton return page.format(title="Rules", content=content) def build_formatting_page(page): """ Builds the full HTML of the formatting page. """ content = utils.load_resource("formatting.html") # Fill in the entry skeleton return page.format(title="Formatting", content=content) def build_session_page(page, session_content): """ Builds the full HTML of the session page. """ # Fill in the entry skeleton content = "
".format(session_content) return page.format(title="Session", content=content) def reverse_statistics_dict(stats, reverse=True): """ Transforms a dictionary mapping titles to a value into a list of values and lists of titles. The list is sorted by the value, and the titles are sorted alphabetically. """ rev = {} for key, value in stats.items(): if value not in rev: rev[value] = [] rev[value].append(key) for key, value in rev.items(): rev[key] = sorted(value, key=lambda t: utils.titlesort(t)) return sorted(rev.items(), key=lambda x:x[0], reverse=reverse) def itemize(stats_list): return map(lambda x: "{0} – {1}".format(x[0], "; ".join(x[1])), stats_list) def build_statistics_page(page, articles): """ Builds the full HTML of the statistics page. The existence of addendum articles complicates how some statistics are computed. An addendum is an article, with its own author, body, and citations, but in a Lexicon it exists appended to another article. To handle this, we distinguish an _article_ from a _page_. An article is a unit parsed from a single source file. A page is a main article and all addendums under the same title. """ min_turn = 0 max_turn = 0 article_by_title = {} page_by_title = {} players = set() for main_article in articles: key = main_article.title page_by_title[key] = [main_article] page_by_title[key].extend(main_article.addendums) for article in [main_article] + main_article.addendums: # Disambiguate articles by appending turn number to the title key = "{0.title} (T{0.turn})".format(article) article_by_title[key] = article if article.player is not None: min_turn = min(min_turn, article.turn) max_turn = max(max_turn, article.turn) players.add(article.player) content = "" stat_block = "
\n" # Top pages by pagerank # Compute pagerank for each page, including all articles G = networkx.Graph() for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items(): for article in articles: for citation in article.citations: G.add_edge(page_title, pagerank_by_title = networkx.pagerank(G) for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items(): if page_title not in pagerank_by_title: pagerank_by_title[page_title] = 0 # Get the top ten articles by pagerank top_pageranks = reverse_statistics_dict(pagerank_by_title)[:10] # Replace the pageranks with ordinals top_ranked = enumerate(map(lambda x: x[1], top_pageranks), start=1) # Format the ranks into strings top_ranked_items = itemize(top_ranked) # Write the statistics to the page content += stat_block.format( "Top 10 articles by page rank:", "
".join(top_ranked_items)) # Pages cited/cited by pages_cited = {page_title: set() for page_title in page_by_title.keys()} pages_cited_by = {page_title: set() for page_title in page_by_title.keys()} for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items(): for article in articles: for citation in article.citations: pages_cited[page_title].add( pages_cited_by[].add(page_title) for page_title, cite_titles in pages_cited.items(): pages_cited[page_title] = len(cite_titles) for page_title, cite_titles in pages_cited_by.items(): pages_cited_by[page_title] = len(cite_titles) top_citations = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited)[:3] top_citations_items = itemize(top_citations) content += stat_block.format( "Cited the most pages:", "
".join(top_citations_items)) top_cited = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited_by)[:3] top_cited_items = itemize(top_cited) content += stat_block.format( "Cited by the most pages:", "
".join(top_cited_items)) # Top article length article_length_by_title = {} cumulative_article_length_by_turn = { turn_num: 0 for turn_num in range(min_turn, max_turn + 1) } for article_title, article in article_by_title.items(): format_map = { "c"+str( c.text for c in article.citations } plain_content = article.content.format(**format_map) word_count = len(plain_content.split()) article_length_by_title[article_title] = word_count for turn_num in range(min_turn, max_turn + 1): if article.turn <= turn_num: cumulative_article_length_by_turn[turn_num] += word_count top_length = reverse_statistics_dict(article_length_by_title)[:3] top_length_items = itemize(top_length) content += stat_block.format( "Longest articles:", "
".join(top_length_items)) # Total word count len_list = [(str(k), [str(v)]) for k,v in cumulative_article_length_by_turn.items()] content += stat_block.format( "Aggregate word count by turn:", "
".join(itemize(len_list))) # Player pageranks pagerank_by_player = {player: 0 for player in players} for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items(): page_author = articles[0].player if page_author is not None: pagerank_by_player[page_author] += pagerank_by_title[page_title] for player, pagerank in pagerank_by_player.items(): pagerank_by_player[player] = round(pagerank, 3) player_rank = reverse_statistics_dict(pagerank_by_player) player_rank_items = itemize(player_rank) content += stat_block.format( "Player aggregate page rank:", "
".join(player_rank_items)) # Player citations made pages_cited_by_player = {player: 0 for player in players} for article_title, article in article_by_title.items(): if article.player is not None: pages_cited_by_player[article.player] += len(article.citations) player_cites_made_ranks = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited_by_player) player_cites_made_items = itemize(player_cites_made_ranks) content += "
\n" content += "Citations made by player:
\n" content += "
\n".join(player_cites_made_items) content += "
\n" # Player cited count pages_cited_by_by_player = {player: 0 for player in players} for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items(): page_author = articles[0].player if page_author is not None: pages_cited_by_by_player[page_author] += len(articles[0].citedby) cited_times_ranked = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited_by_by_player) cited_times_items = itemize(cited_times_ranked) content += "
\n" content += "Citations made to article by player:
\n" content += "
\n".join(cited_times_items) content += "
\n" # Lowest pagerank of written articles exclude = [a.title for a in articles if a.player is None] rank_by_written_only = {k:v for k,v in pagerank_by_title.items() if k not in exclude} pageranks = reverse_statistics_dict(rank_by_written_only) bot_ranked = list(enumerate(map(lambda x: x[1], pageranks), start=1))[-10:] # Format the ranks into strings bot_ranked_items = itemize(bot_ranked) content += "
\n" content += "Bottom 10 articles by pagerank:
\n" content += "
\n".join(bot_ranked_items) content += "
\n" # Undercited articles undercited = { page_title: len(articles[0].citedby) for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items() if len(articles[0].citedby) < 2} undercited_items = itemize(reverse_statistics_dict(undercited)) content += "
\n" content += "Undercited articles:
\n" content += "
\n".join(undercited_items) content += "
\n" # Fill in the entry skeleton return page.format(title="Statistics", content=content) def build_graphviz_file(cite_map): """ Builds a citation graph in dot format for Graphviz. """ result = [] result.append("digraph G {\n") # Node labeling written_entries = list(cite_map.keys()) phantom_entries = set([title for cites in cite_map.values() for title in cites if title not in written_entries]) node_labels = [title[:20] for title in written_entries + list(phantom_entries)] node_names = [hash(i) for i in node_labels] for i in range(len(node_labels)): result.append("{} [label=\"{}\"];\n".format(node_names[i], node_labels[i])) # Edges for citer in written_entries: for cited in cite_map[citer]: result.append("{}->{};\n".format(hash(citer[:20]), hash(cited[:20]))) # Return result result.append("overlap=false;\n}\n") return "".join(result)#"…" def build_compiled_page(articles, config): """ Builds a page compiling all articles in the Lexicon. """ articles = sorted( articles, key=lambda a: (utils.titlesort(a.title))) # Write the header content = "{}"\ ""\ "\n".format(config["LEXICON_TITLE"]) # Write each article for article in articles: # Article title content += "


".format(article) # Article content format_map = { "c"+str( : c.format("{text}{id}") for c in article.citations } article_content = article.content.format(**format_map) article_content = article_content.replace("

", "

", 1) content += article_content # Article citations cite_list = "
".join( c.format("{id}. {target}") for c in article.citations) cite_block = "


".format(cite_list) content += cite_block # Addendums for addendum in article.addendums: # Addendum content format_map = { "c"+str( : c.format("{text}{id}") for c in addendum.citations } article_content = addendum.content.format(**format_map) content += article_content # Addendum citations cite_list = "
".join( c.format("{id}. {target}") for c in addendum.citations) cite_block = "


".format(cite_list) content += cite_block content += "" return content def build_all(path_prefix, lexicon_name): """ Builds all browsable articles and pages in the Lexicon. """ lex_path = os.path.join(path_prefix, lexicon_name) # Load the Lexicon's peripherals config = utils.load_config(lexicon_name) page_skeleton = utils.load_resource("page-skeleton.html") page = LexiconPage(skeleton=page_skeleton) page.add_kwargs( lexicon=config["LEXICON_TITLE"], logo=config["LOGO_FILENAME"], prompt=config["PROMPT"], sort=config["DEFAULT_SORT"]) # Parse the written articles articles = LexiconArticle.parse_from_directory(os.path.join(lex_path, "src")) # Once they've been populated, the articles list has the titles of all articles # Sort this by turn before title so prev/next links run in turn order articles = sorted( LexiconArticle.interlink(articles), key=lambda a: (a.turn, utils.titlesort(a.title))) def pathto(*els): return os.path.join(lex_path, *els) # Write the redirect page print("Writing redirect page...") with open(pathto("index.html"), "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(utils.load_resource("redirect.html").format( lexicon=config["LEXICON_TITLE"], sort=config["DEFAULT_SORT"])) # Write the article pages print("Deleting old article pages...") for filename in os.listdir(pathto("article")): if filename[-5:] == ".html": os.remove(pathto("article", filename)) print("Writing article pages...") l = len(articles) for idx in range(l): article = articles[idx] with open(pathto("article", article.title_filesafe + ".html"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: content = article.build_default_content() article_html = page.format( title = article.title, content = content) f.write(article_html) print(" Wrote " + article.title) # Write default pages print("Writing default pages...") with open(pathto("contents", "index.html"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(build_contents_page(page, articles, config["INDEX_LIST"])) print(" Wrote Contents") with open(pathto("rules", "index.html"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(build_rules_page(page)) print(" Wrote Rules") with open(pathto("formatting", "index.html"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(build_formatting_page(page)) print(" Wrote Formatting") with open(pathto("session", "index.html"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(build_session_page(page, config["SESSION_PAGE"])) print(" Wrote Session") with open(pathto("statistics", "index.html"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(build_statistics_page(page, articles)) print(" Wrote Statistics") # Write auxiliary pages if "PRINTABLE_FILE" in config and config["PRINTABLE_FILE"]: with open(pathto(config["PRINTABLE_FILE"]), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(build_compiled_page(articles, config)) print(" Wrote compiled page to " + config["PRINTABLE_FILE"]) with open(pathto("editor.html"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: editor = utils.load_resource("editor.html") writtenArticles = "" phantomArticles = "" for article in articles: citedby = {'"' + citer.player + '"' for citer in article.citedby} if article.player is None: phantomArticles += "{{title: \"{0}\", citedby: [{1}]}},".format( article.title.replace("\"", "\\\""), ",".join(sorted(citedby))) else: writtenArticles += "{{title: \"{0}\", author: \"{1.player}\"}},".format( article.title.replace("\"", "\\\""), article) nextTurn = 0 if articles: nextTurn = max([article.turn for article in articles if article.player is not None]) + 1 editor = editor.replace("//writtenArticles", writtenArticles) editor = editor.replace("//phantomArticles", phantomArticles) editor = editor.replace("TURNNUMBER", str(nextTurn)) f.write(editor) # Check that authors aren't citing themselves print("Running citation checks...") for parent in articles: for article in [parent] + parent.addendums: for citation in article.citations: if article.player == citation.article.player: print(" {2}: {0} cites {1}".format(article.title,, article.player)) print()