Lexipython provides support for a limited amount of Markdown-esque formatting. The parsing rules that will be applied are as follows:

Entries must begin with a header declaring the entry title. Format this header as "# Title", e.g. "# Formatting". This is the name that citations to your entry will use.

Two line breaks begin a new paragraph. Lines separated by a single line break will be part of the same paragraph, unless the line is ended by a double backslash:
  Sample \\
in your markdown produces
  text here
in the generated page.

Text bounded by ** will be bolded: **bold** produces bold. Text bounded by // will be italicized: //italics// produces italics.

To cite another Lexicon entry, use double brackets. Text in double brackets will cite and link to the entry of the same name: [[Example page]] produces Example page. Text in double brackets split with a | will alias the link as the left text and link to the entry with the name of the right text: [[this text|Example page]] produces this text. You must be precise in the entry title you cite to. Citations to "Example" vs. "The Example" will point to different entries and create different phantoms, and your GM will probably have to clean up after you.

Entries should end with a footer signing the entry with its author. Format this footer as "~ Signature". Signature lines will be set apart by a horizotal rule and right-aligned:
