# LEXIPYTHON CONFIG FILE # # This file defines the configuration values for an instance of Lexipython. # Configuration values are written as: >>>CONFIG_NAME>>> value <<>>LEXICON_TITLE>>> Lexicon Title <<>>LOGO_FILENAME>>> logo.png <<>>SIDEBAR_CONTENT>>> # Sidebar //Sidebar content// <<>>SESSION_PAGE>>> # Lexicon Proximum **You are [...]**. The index grouping is **[...]**. For the first turn, give the //Rules// page a read-through. Then come up with the character of your scholar, write an article that's about 100-300 words within your assigned index, and send it to the host. Consider putting session information here, like the index grouping and turn count, where to send completed entries, index assignments, turn schedule, and so on. <<>>INDEX_LIST>>> ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQRS TUV WXYZ <<