Add rough latex converter

This commit is contained in:
Tim Van Baak 2019-03-10 17:27:10 -07:00
parent c50676c37d
commit cd3f48aab7

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@ -376,6 +376,117 @@ def build_compiled_page(articles, config):
content += "</body></html>"
return content
def latex_from_markdown(raw_content):
content = ""
headers = raw_content.split('\n', 3)
player_header, turn_header, title_header, content_raw = headers
if not turn_header.startswith("# Turn:"):
print("Turn header missing or corrupted")
return None
turn = int(turn_header[7:].strip())
if not title_header.startswith("# Title:"):
print("Title header missing or corrupted")
return None
title = utils.titlecase(title_header[8:])
#content += "\\label{{{}}}\n".format(title)
#content += "\\section*{{{}}}\n\n".format(title)
# Parse content
paras = re.split("\n\n+", content_raw.strip())
for para in paras:
# Escape things
para = re.sub("&mdash;", "---", para)
para = re.sub("&", "\\&", para)
para = re.sub(r"\"(?=\w)", "``", para)
para = re.sub(r"(?<=\w)\"", "''", para)
para = re.sub(r"%", "\\%", para)
para = re.sub(r"#", "\\#", para)
# Replace bold and italic marks with commands
para = re.sub(r"//([^/]+)//", r"\\textit{\1}", para)
para = re.sub(r"\*\*([^*]+)\*\*", r"\\textbf{\1}", para)
# Footnotify citations
link_match ="\[\[(([^|\[\]]+)\|)?([^|\[\]]+)\]\]", para)
while link_match:
# Identify the citation text and cited article
cite_text = if else
cite_title = utils.titlecase(re.sub(r"\s+", " ",
# Stitch the title into a footnote
para = (para[:link_match.start(0)] + cite_text + "\\footnote{" +
cite_title +
", p. \\pageref{" + str(hash(cite_title)) + "}" +
"}" + para[link_match.end(0):])
link_match ="\[\[(([^|\[\]]+)\|)?([^|\[\]]+)\]\]", para)
# Convert signature to right-aligned
if para[:1] == '~':
para = "\\begin{flushright}\n" + para[1:] + "\n\\end{flushright}\n\n"
para = para + "\n\n"
content += para
return title, turn, content
def latex_from_directory(directory):
articles = {}
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
# Read only .txt files
if filename[-4:] == ".txt":
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf8") as src_file:
raw =
title, turn, latex = latex_from_markdown(raw)
if turn not in articles:
articles[turn] = {}
articles[turn][title] = latex
# Write the preamble
content = "\\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twocolumn,twoside]{article}\n"\
for turn in sorted(articles.keys()):
for title in sorted(articles[turn].keys(), key=lambda t: utils.titlesort(t)):
latex = articles[turn][title]
content += "\\section*{{{}}}\n".format(title)
content += "\\label{{{}}}\n\n".format(hash(title))
content += latex
for article in sorted(articles, key=lambda a: (a.turn, utils.titlesort(a.title))):
title = article.title
under_title = articles[title]
turns = sorted(under_title.keys())
latex = under_title[turns[0]]
# Section header
content += "\\section*{{{}}}\n\n".format(title)
content += "\\label{{{}}}\n".format(hash(title))
# Section content
#format_map = {
# "c"+str( : c.format("\\footnote{{{target}}}")
# for c in article.citations
#article_content = article.content.format(**format_map)
content += latex
# Addendums
for turn in turns[1:]:
#content += "\\vspace{6pt}\n\\hrule\n\\vspace{6pt}\n\n"
content += "\\begin{center}\n$\\ast$~$\\ast$~$\\ast$\n\\end{center}\n\n"
latex = under_title[turn]
#format_map = {
# "c"+str( : c.format("\\footnote{{{target}}}")
# for c in addendum.citations
#article_content = addendum.content.format(**format_map)
content += latex"""
content += "\\end{document}"
content = re.sub(r"\"(?=\w)", "``", content)
content = re.sub(r"(?<=\w)\"", "''", content)
return content
def build_all(path_prefix, lexicon_name):
Builds all browsable articles and pages in the Lexicon.