diff --git a/lexipython/build.py b/lexipython/build.py
index a8ea3f5..45ec841 100644
--- a/lexipython/build.py
+++ b/lexipython/build.py
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-import sys # For argv and stderr
+# Standard library imports
import os # For reading directories
import re # For parsing lex content
-import io # For writing pages out as UTF-8
-import networkx # For pagerank analytics
-from collections import defaultdict # For rank inversion in statistics
+# Application imports
import utils
from article import LexiconArticle
+from statistics import LexiconStatistics
class LexiconPage:
@@ -181,191 +181,24 @@ def build_session_page(page, session_content):
content = "
return page.format(title="Session", content=content)
-def reverse_statistics_dict(stats, reverse=True):
- """
- Transforms a dictionary mapping titles to a value into a list of values
- and lists of titles. The list is sorted by the value, and the titles are
- sorted alphabetically.
- """
- rev = {}
- for key, value in stats.items():
- if value not in rev:
- rev[value] = []
- rev[value].append(key)
- for key, value in rev.items():
- rev[key] = sorted(value, key=lambda t: utils.titlesort(t))
- return sorted(rev.items(), key=lambda x:x[0], reverse=reverse)
+def build_statistics_page(config, page, articles):
+ # Read the config file for which stats to publish.
+ lines = config['STATISTICS'].split("\n")
+ stats = []
+ for line in lines:
+ stat, toggle = line.split()
+ if toggle == "on":
+ stats.append("stat_" + stat)
-def itemize(stats_list):
- return map(lambda x: "{0} – {1}".format(x[0], "; ".join(x[1])), stats_list)
-def build_statistics_page(page, articles):
- """
- Builds the full HTML of the statistics page.
- The existence of addendum articles complicates how some statistics are
- computed. An addendum is an article, with its own author, body, and
- citations, but in a Lexicon it exists appended to another article. To handle
- this, we distinguish an _article_ from a _page_. An article is a unit parsed
- from a single source file. A page is a main article and all addendums under
- the same title.
- """
- min_turn = 0
- max_turn = 0
- article_by_title = {}
- page_by_title = {}
- players = set()
- for main_article in articles:
- key = main_article.title
- page_by_title[key] = [main_article]
- page_by_title[key].extend(main_article.addendums)
- for article in [main_article] + main_article.addendums:
- # Disambiguate articles by appending turn number to the title
- key = "{0.title} (T{0.turn})".format(article)
- article_by_title[key] = article
- if article.player is not None:
- min_turn = min(min_turn, article.turn)
- max_turn = max(max_turn, article.turn)
- players.add(article.player)
- content = ""
- stat_block = "{0}
- # Top pages by pagerank
- # Compute pagerank for each page, including all articles
- G = networkx.Graph()
- for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items():
- for article in articles:
- for citation in article.citations:
- G.add_edge(page_title, citation.target)
- pagerank_by_title = networkx.pagerank(G)
- for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items():
- if page_title not in pagerank_by_title:
- pagerank_by_title[page_title] = 0
- # Get the top ten articles by pagerank
- top_pageranks = reverse_statistics_dict(pagerank_by_title)[:10]
- # Replace the pageranks with ordinals
- top_ranked = enumerate(map(lambda x: x[1], top_pageranks), start=1)
- # Format the ranks into strings
- top_ranked_items = itemize(top_ranked)
- # Write the statistics to the page
- content += stat_block.format(
- "Top 10 articles by page rank:",
- "
- # Pages cited/cited by
- pages_cited = {page_title: set() for page_title in page_by_title.keys()}
- pages_cited_by = {page_title: set() for page_title in page_by_title.keys()}
- for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items():
- for article in articles:
- for citation in article.citations:
- pages_cited[page_title].add(citation.target)
- pages_cited_by[citation.target].add(page_title)
- for page_title, cite_titles in pages_cited.items():
- pages_cited[page_title] = len(cite_titles)
- for page_title, cite_titles in pages_cited_by.items():
- pages_cited_by[page_title] = len(cite_titles)
- top_citations = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited)[:3]
- top_citations_items = itemize(top_citations)
- content += stat_block.format(
- "Cited the most pages:",
- "
- top_cited = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited_by)[:3]
- top_cited_items = itemize(top_cited)
- content += stat_block.format(
- "Cited by the most pages:",
- "
- # Top article length
- article_length_by_title = {}
- cumulative_article_length_by_turn = {
- turn_num: 0
- for turn_num in range(min_turn, max_turn + 1)
- }
- for article_title, article in article_by_title.items():
- format_map = {
- "c"+str(c.id): c.text
- for c in article.citations
- }
- plain_content = article.content.format(**format_map)
- word_count = len(plain_content.split())
- article_length_by_title[article_title] = word_count
- for turn_num in range(min_turn, max_turn + 1):
- if article.turn <= turn_num:
- cumulative_article_length_by_turn[turn_num] += word_count
- top_length = reverse_statistics_dict(article_length_by_title)[:3]
- top_length_items = itemize(top_length)
- content += stat_block.format(
- "Longest articles:",
- "
- # Total word count
- len_list = [(str(k), [str(v)]) for k,v in cumulative_article_length_by_turn.items()]
- content += stat_block.format(
- "Aggregate word count by turn:",
- "
- # Player pageranks
- pagerank_by_player = {player: 0 for player in players}
- for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items():
- page_author = articles[0].player
- if page_author is not None:
- pagerank_by_player[page_author] += pagerank_by_title[page_title]
- for player, pagerank in pagerank_by_player.items():
- pagerank_by_player[player] = round(pagerank, 3)
- player_rank = reverse_statistics_dict(pagerank_by_player)
- player_rank_items = itemize(player_rank)
- content += stat_block.format(
- "Player aggregate page rank:",
- "
- # Player citations made
- pages_cited_by_player = {player: 0 for player in players}
- for article_title, article in article_by_title.items():
- if article.player is not None:
- pages_cited_by_player[article.player] += len(article.citations)
- player_cites_made_ranks = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited_by_player)
- player_cites_made_items = itemize(player_cites_made_ranks)
- content += "\n"
- content += "Citations made by player:
- content += "
- content += "
- # Player cited count
- pages_cited_by_by_player = {player: 0 for player in players}
- for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items():
- page_author = articles[0].player
- if page_author is not None:
- pages_cited_by_by_player[page_author] += len(articles[0].citedby)
- cited_times_ranked = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited_by_by_player)
- cited_times_items = itemize(cited_times_ranked)
- content += "\n"
- content += "Citations made to article by player:
- content += "
- content += "
- # Lowest pagerank of written articles
- exclude = [a.title for a in articles if a.player is None]
- rank_by_written_only = {k:v for k,v in pagerank_by_title.items() if k not in exclude}
- pageranks = reverse_statistics_dict(rank_by_written_only)
- bot_ranked = list(enumerate(map(lambda x: x[1], pageranks), start=1))[-10:]
- # Format the ranks into strings
- bot_ranked_items = itemize(bot_ranked)
- content += "\n"
- content += "Bottom 10 articles by pagerank:
- content += "
- content += "
- # Undercited articles
- undercited = {
- page_title: len(articles[0].citedby)
- for page_title, articles in page_by_title.items()
- if len(articles[0].citedby) < 2}
- undercited_items = itemize(reverse_statistics_dict(undercited))
- content += "\n"
- content += "Undercited articles:
- content += "
- content += "
+ # Create all the stats blocks.
+ lexicon_stats = LexiconStatistics(articles)
+ stats_blocks = []
+ for stat in stats:
+ if hasattr(lexicon_stats, stat):
+ stats_blocks.append(getattr(lexicon_stats, stat)())
+ else:
+ print("ERROR: Bad stat {}".format(stat))
+ content = "\n".join(stats_blocks)
# Fill in the entry skeleton
return page.format(title="Statistics", content=content)
@@ -620,7 +453,7 @@ def build_all(path_prefix, lexicon_name):
f.write(build_session_page(page, config["SESSION_PAGE"]))
print(" Wrote Session")
with open(pathto("statistics", "index.html"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- f.write(build_statistics_page(page, articles))
+ f.write(build_statistics_page(config, page, articles))
print(" Wrote Statistics")
# Write auxiliary pages
diff --git a/lexipython/resources/lexicon.cfg b/lexipython/resources/lexicon.cfg
index 66d0d35..9d03e53 100644
--- a/lexipython/resources/lexicon.cfg
+++ b/lexipython/resources/lexicon.cfg
@@ -48,6 +48,21 @@ char:WXYZ
+top_pagerank on
+most_citations_made on
+most_citations_to on
+longest_article on
+cumulative_wordcount off
+player_pagerank on
+player_citations_made on
+player_citations_to on
+bottom_pagerank off
+undercited off
diff --git a/lexipython/statistics.py b/lexipython/statistics.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85b4ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lexipython/statistics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+# Third party imports
+ import networkx # For pagerank analytics
+# Application imports
+from utils import titlesort
+def reverse_statistics_dict(stats, reverse=True):
+ """
+ Transforms a dictionary mapping titles to a value into a list of values
+ and lists of titles. The list is sorted by the value, and the titles are
+ sorted alphabetically.
+ """
+ rev = {}
+ for key, value in stats.items():
+ if value not in rev:
+ rev[value] = []
+ rev[value].append(key)
+ for key, value in rev.items():
+ rev[key] = sorted(value, key=lambda t: titlesort(t))
+ return sorted(rev.items(), key=lambda x:x[0], reverse=reverse)
+def itemize(stats_list):
+ """
+ Formats a list consisting of tuples of ranks and lists of ranked items.
+ """
+ return map(lambda x: "{0} – {1}".format(x[0], "; ".join(x[1])), stats_list)
+class LexiconStatistics():
+ """
+ A wrapper for a persistent statistics context with some precomputed
+ values around for convenience.
+ The existence of addendum articles complicates how some statistics are
+ computed. An addendum is an article, with its own author, body, and
+ citations, but in a Lexicon it exists appended to another article. To handle
+ this, we distinguish an _article_ from a _page_. An article is a unit parsed
+ from a single source file. A page is a main article and all addendums under
+ the same title.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, articles):
+ self.articles = articles
+ self.min_turn = 0
+ self.max_turn = 0
+ self.players = set()
+ self.title_to_article = {}
+ self.title_to_page = {}
+ self.stat_block = "{0}
+ # Pagerank may not be computable if networkx isn't installed.
+ self.title_to_pagerank = None
+ for main_article in articles:
+ page_title = main_article.title
+ self.title_to_page[page_title] = [main_article]
+ self.title_to_page[page_title].extend(main_article.addendums)
+ for article in self.title_to_page[page_title]:
+ # Disambiguate articles by appending turn number to the title
+ key = "{0.title} (T{0.turn})".format(article)
+ self.title_to_article[key] = article
+ if article.player is not None:
+ # Phantoms have turn MAXINT by convention
+ self.min_turn = min(self.min_turn, article.turn)
+ self.max_turn = max(self.max_turn, article.turn)
+ self.players.add(article.player)
+ def _try_populate_pagerank(self):
+ """Computes pagerank if networkx is imported."""
+ if NETWORKX_ENABLED and self.title_to_pagerank is None:
+ # Create a citation graph linking page titles.
+ G = networkx.Graph()
+ for page_title, articles in self.title_to_page.items():
+ for article in articles:
+ for citation in article.citations:
+ G.add_edge(page_title, citation.target)
+ # Compute pagerank on the page citation graph.
+ self.title_to_pagerank = networkx.pagerank(G)
+ # Any article with no links in the citation graph have no pagerank.
+ # Assign these pagerank 0 to avoid key errors or missing pages in
+ # the stats.
+ for page_title, articles in self.title_to_page.items():
+ if page_title not in self.title_to_pagerank:
+ self.title_to_pagerank[page_title] = 0
+ def stat_top_pagerank(self):
+ """Computes the top 10 pages by pagerank."""
+ self._try_populate_pagerank()
+ if not self.title_to_pagerank:
+ # If networkx was not successfully imported, skip the pagerank.
+ top_ranked_items = "networkx must be installed to compute pageranks."
+ else:
+ # Get the top ten articles by pagerank.
+ top_pageranks = reverse_statistics_dict(self.title_to_pagerank)[:10]
+ # Replace the pageranks with ordinals.
+ top_ranked = enumerate(map(lambda x: x[1], top_pageranks), start=1)
+ # Format the ranks into strings.
+ top_ranked_items = itemize(top_ranked)
+ # Format the statistics block.
+ return self.stat_block.format(
+ "Top 10 articles by page rank:",
+ "
+ def stat_most_citations_made(self):
+ """Computes the top 3 ranks for citations made FROM a page."""
+ # Determine which pages are cited from all articles on a page.
+ pages_cited = {
+ page_title: set()
+ for page_title in self.title_to_page.keys()}
+ for page_title, articles in self.title_to_page.items():
+ for article in articles:
+ for citation in article.citations:
+ pages_cited[page_title].add(citation.target)
+ # Compute the number of unique articles cited by a page.
+ for page_title, cite_titles in pages_cited.items():
+ pages_cited[page_title] = len(cite_titles)
+ # Reverse and itemize the citation counts.
+ top_citations = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited)[:3]
+ top_citations_items = itemize(top_citations)
+ # Format the statistics block.
+ return self.stat_block.format(
+ "Cited the most pages:",
+ "
+ def stat_most_citations_to(self):
+ """Computes the top 3 ranks for citations made TO a page."""
+ # Determine which pages cite a page.
+ pages_cited_by = {
+ page_title: set()
+ for page_title in self.title_to_page.keys()}
+ for page_title, articles in self.title_to_page.items():
+ for article in articles:
+ for citation in article.citations:
+ pages_cited_by[citation.target].add(page_title)
+ # Compute the number of unique articles that cite a page.
+ for page_title, cite_titles in pages_cited_by.items():
+ pages_cited_by[page_title] = len(cite_titles)
+ # Reverse and itemize the citation counts.
+ top_cited = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited_by)[:3]
+ top_cited_items = itemize(top_cited)
+ # Format the statistics block.
+ return self.stat_block.format(
+ "Cited by the most pages:",
+ "
+ def stat_longest_article(self):
+ """Computes the top 3 longest articles."""
+ # Compute the length of each article (not page).
+ title_to_article_length = {}
+ for article_title, article in self.title_to_article.items():
+ # Write all citation aliases into the article text to accurately
+ # compute word count as written.
+ format_map = {
+ "c"+str(c.id): c.text
+ for c in article.citations
+ }
+ plain_content = article.content.format(**format_map)
+ word_count = len(plain_content.split())
+ title_to_article_length[article_title] = word_count
+ # Reverse and itemize the article lengths.
+ top_length = reverse_statistics_dict(title_to_article_length)[:3]
+ top_length_items = itemize(top_length)
+ # Format the statistics block.
+ return self.stat_block.format(
+ "Longest articles:",
+ "
+ def stat_cumulative_wordcount(self):
+ """Computes the cumulative word count of the lexicon."""
+ # Initialize all extant turns to 0.
+ turn_to_cumulative_wordcount = {
+ turn_num: 0
+ for turn_num in range(self.min_turn, self.max_turn + 1)
+ }
+ for article_title, article in self.title_to_article.items():
+ # Compute each article's word count.
+ format_map = {
+ "c"+str(c.id): c.text
+ for c in article.citations
+ }
+ plain_content = article.content.format(**format_map)
+ word_count = len(plain_content.split())
+ # Add the word count to each turn the article exists in.
+ for turn_num in range(self.min_turn, self.max_turn + 1):
+ if article.turn <= turn_num:
+ turn_to_cumulative_wordcount[turn_num] += word_count
+ # Format the statistics block.
+ len_list = [(str(k), [str(v)]) for k,v in turn_to_cumulative_wordcount.items()]
+ return self.stat_block.format(
+ "Aggregate word count by turn:",
+ "
+ def stat_player_pagerank(self):
+ """Computes each player's share of the lexicon's pagerank scores."""
+ self._try_populate_pagerank()
+ if not self.title_to_pagerank:
+ # If networkx was not successfully imported, skip the pagerank.
+ player_rank_items = "networkx must be installed to compute pageranks."
+ else:
+ player_to_pagerank = {
+ player: 0
+ for player in self.players}
+ # Accumulate page pagerank to the main article's author.
+ for page_title, articles in self.title_to_page.items():
+ page_author = articles[0].player
+ if page_author is not None:
+ player_to_pagerank[page_author] += self.title_to_pagerank[page_title]
+ # Round pageranks off to 3 decimal places.
+ for player, pagerank in player_to_pagerank.items():
+ player_to_pagerank[player] = round(pagerank, 3)
+ # Reverse and itemize the aggregated pageranks.
+ player_rank = reverse_statistics_dict(player_to_pagerank)
+ player_rank_items = itemize(player_rank)
+ # Format the statistics block.
+ return self.stat_block.format(
+ "Player aggregate page rank:",
+ "
+ def stat_player_citations_made(self):
+ """Computes the total number of citations made BY each player."""
+ pages_cited_by_player = {
+ player: 0
+ for player in self.players}
+ # Add the number of citations from each authored article (not page).
+ for article_title, article in self.title_to_article.items():
+ if article.player is not None:
+ pages_cited_by_player[article.player] += len(article.citations)
+ # Reverse and itemize the counts.
+ player_cites_made_ranks = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited_by_player)
+ player_cites_made_items = itemize(player_cites_made_ranks)
+ # Format the statistics block.
+ return self.stat_block.format(
+ "Citations made by player:",
+ "
+ def stat_player_citations_to(self):
+ """Computes the total number of citations made TO each player's
+ authored pages."""
+ pages_cited_by_by_player = {
+ player: 0
+ for player in self.players}
+ # Add the number of citations made to each page (not article).
+ for page_title, articles in self.title_to_page.items():
+ page_author = articles[0].player
+ if page_author is not None:
+ pages_cited_by_by_player[page_author] += len(articles[0].citedby)
+ # Reverse and itemize the results.
+ cited_times_ranked = reverse_statistics_dict(pages_cited_by_by_player)
+ cited_times_items = itemize(cited_times_ranked)
+ # Format the statistics block.
+ return self.stat_block.format(
+ "Citations made to article by player:",
+ "
+ def stat_bottom_pagerank(self):
+ """Computes the bottom 10 pages by pagerank."""
+ self._try_populate_pagerank()
+ if not self.title_to_pagerank:
+ # If networkx was not successfully imported, skip the pagerank.
+ bot_ranked_items = "networkx must be installed to compute pageranks."
+ else:
+ # Phantoms have no pagerank, because they don't cite anything.
+ exclude = [
+ a.title
+ for a in self.articles
+ if a.player is None]
+ rank_by_written_only = {
+ k:v
+ for k,v in self.title_to_pagerank.items()
+ if k not in exclude}
+ # Reverse, enumerate, and itemize the bottom 10 by pagerank.
+ pageranks = reverse_statistics_dict(rank_by_written_only)
+ bot_ranked = list(enumerate(map(lambda x: x[1], pageranks), start=1))[-10:]
+ bot_ranked_items = itemize(bot_ranked)
+ # Format the statistics block.
+ return self.stat_block.format(
+ "Bottom 10 articles by page rank:",
+ "
+ def stat_undercited(self):
+ """Computes which articles have 0 or 1 citations made to them."""
+ undercited = {
+ page_title: len(articles[0].citedby)
+ for page_title, articles in self.title_to_page.items()
+ if len(articles[0].citedby) < 2}
+ undercited_items = itemize(reverse_statistics_dict(undercited))
+ return self.stat_block.format(
+ "Undercited articles:",
+ "