Rework printable page for new article model

This commit is contained in:
Tim Van Baak 2018-11-10 15:39:11 -08:00
parent 4ab9f1f1ea
commit 9a8ad419a0

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@ -298,49 +298,54 @@ def build_compiled_page(articles, config):
Builds a page compiling all articles in the Lexicon.
# Sort by turn and title
turn_order = sorted(
articles = sorted(
key=lambda a: (a.turn, utils.titlesort(a.title)))
key=lambda a: (utils.titlesort(a.title)))
# Build the content of each article
css = utils.load_resource("lexicon.css")
css += "\n"\
"body { background: #ffffff; }\n"\
"sup { vertical-align: top; font-size: 0.6em; }\n"
content = "<html>\n"\
for article in turn_order:
# Stitch in superscripts for citations
# Write the header
content = "<html><head><title>{}</title>"\
"<style>span.signature {{ text-align: right; }} "\
"sup {{ vertical-align: top; font-size: 0.6em; }} "\
"u {{ text-decoration-color: #888888; }}</style>"\
# Write each article
for article in articles:
# Article title
content += "<div style=\"page-break-inside:avoid;\"><h2>{0.title}</h2>".format(article)
# Article content
format_map = {
format_id: "{}<sup>{}</sup>".format(cite_tuple[0], format_id[1:])
for format_id, cite_tuple in article.citations.items()
"c"+str( : c.format("<u>{text}</u><sup>{id}</sup>")
for c in article.citations
article_body = article.content.format(**format_map)
# Stitch a page-break-avoid div around the header and first paragraph
article_body = article_body.replace("</p>", "</p></div>", 1)
# Append the citation block
cite_list = "<br>\n".join(
"{}. {}\n".format(format_id[1:], cite_tuple[1])
for format_id, cite_tuple in sorted(
key=lambda t:int(t[0][1:])))
cite_block = "" if article.player is None else ""\
article_block = "<div style=\"page-break-inside:avoid;\">\n"\
"{}\n".format(article.title, article_body, cite_block)
content += article_block
article_content = article.content.format(**format_map)
article_content = article_content.replace("</p>", "</p></div>", 1)
content += article_content
# Article citations
cite_list = "<br>".join(
c.format("{id}. {target}")
for c in article.citations)
cite_block = "<p>{}</p>".format(cite_list)
content += cite_block
# Addendums
for addendum in article.addendums:
# Addendum content
format_map = {
"c"+str( : c.format("<u>{text}</u><sup>{id}</sup>")
for c in addendum.citations
article_content = addendum.content.format(**format_map)
content += article_content
# Addendum citations
cite_list = "<br>".join(
c.format("{id}. {target}")
for c in addendum.citations)
cite_block = "<p>{}</p>".format(cite_list)
content += cite_block
content += "</body></html>"
return content