
154 lines
5.6 KiB

flake: { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
inherit (lib) filterAttrs foldl imap1 mapAttrsToList mkEnableOption mkIf mkMerge mkOption mkPackageOption types;
intakeCfg =;
in {
options = {
services.intake = {
listen.addr = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "";
description = "The listen address for the entry point to intake services. This endpoint will redirect to a "
"local port based on the request's HTTP Basic Auth credentials.";
listen.port = mkOption {
type = types.port;
default = 80;
description = "The listen port for the entry point to intake services. This endpoint will redirect to a local "
"port based on the request's HTTP Basic Auth credentials.";
package = mkPackageOption pkgs "intake" {};
internalPortStart = mkOption {
type = types.port;
default = 24130;
description = "The first port to use for internal service endpoints. A number of ports will be continguously "
"allocated equal to the number of users with enabled intake services.";
extraPackages = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.package;
default = [];
description = "Extra packages available to all enabled users and their intake services.";
users = mkOption {
description = "User intake service definitions.";
default = {};
type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule {
options = {
enable = mkEnableOption "intake, a personal feed aggregator.";
extraPackages = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.package;
default = [];
description = "Extra packages available to this user and their intake service.";
config =
# Define the intake package and a python environment to run it from
intake = intakeCfg.package;
pythonEnv = pkgs.python3.withPackages (pypkgs: [ intake ]);
# Assign each user an internal port for their personal intake instance
enabledUsers = filterAttrs (userName: userCfg: userCfg.enable) intakeCfg.users;
enabledUserNames = mapAttrsToList (userName: userCfg: userName) enabledUsers;
userPortList = imap1 (i: userName: { ${userName} = i + intakeCfg.internalPortStart; }) enabledUserNames;
userPort = foldl (acc: val: acc // val) {} userPortList;
# To avoid polluting PATH with httpd programs, define an htpasswd wrapper
htpasswdWrapper = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "htpasswd" ''
${pkgs.apacheHttpd}/bin/htpasswd $@
# File locations
intakeDir = "/etc/intake";
intakePwd = "${intakeDir}/htpasswd";
in {
# Apply the overlay so intake is included in pkgs.
nixpkgs.overlays = [ flake.overlays.default ];
# Define a user group for access to the htpasswd file. nginx needs to be able to read it.
users.groups.intake.members = mkIf (enabledUsers != {}) (enabledUserNames ++ [ "nginx" ]);
# Define an activation script that ensures that the htpasswd file exists.
system.activationScripts.etc-intake = ''
if [ ! -e ${intakeDir} ]; then
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p ${intakeDir};
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown root:root ${intakeDir}
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod 755 ${intakeDir}
if [ ! -e ${intakePwd} ]; then
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/touch ${intakePwd}
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown root:intake ${intakePwd}
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chmod 660 ${intakePwd}
# Give every intake user the htpasswd wrapper, the shared packages, and the user-specific packages.
users.users =
addPackagesToUser = userName: {
${userName}.packages =
[ htpasswdWrapper intake ]
++ intakeCfg.extraPackages
++ intakeCfg.users.${userName}.extraPackages;
in mkMerge (map addPackagesToUser enabledUserNames);
# Enable cron
services.cron.enable = true;
# Define a user service for each configured user =
runScript = userName: pkgs.writeShellScript "" ''
# Add the setuid wrapper directory so `crontab` is accessible
export PATH="${}:$PATH"
${pythonEnv}/bin/intake run -d /home/${userName}/.local/share/intake --port ${toString userPort.${userName}}
# systemd service definition for a single user, given `services.intake.users.userName` = `userCfg`
userServiceConfig = userName: userCfg: {
"intake@${userName}" = {
description = "Intake service for user ${userName}";
script = "${runScript userName}";
path = intakeCfg.extraPackages ++ userCfg.extraPackages;
serviceConfig = {
User = userName;
Type = "simple";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ];
enable = userCfg.enable;
in mkMerge (mapAttrsToList userServiceConfig intakeCfg.users);
# Define an nginx reverse proxy to request auth
services.nginx = mkIf (enabledUsers != {}) {
enable = true;
virtualHosts."intake" = mkIf (enabledUsers != {}) {
listen = [ intakeCfg.listen ];
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "$target_port";
basicAuthFile = intakePwd;
extraConfig = foldl (acc: val: acc + val) "" (mapAttrsToList (userName: port: ''
if ($remote_user = "${userName}") {
set $target_port ${toString port};
'') userPort);