flake: { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkIf mkOption types; cfg = config.services.inquisitor; in { options = { services.inquisitor = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = "Enable the Inquisitor aggregator."; }; listen.addr = mkOption { type = types.str; default = ""; description = "Listen address passed to nginx."; }; listen.port = mkOption { type = types.port; default = 80; description = "Listen port passed to nginx."; }; }; }; config = let # Get the inquisitor package from the flake. inquisitor = flake.packages.${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}.env; # Define the inquisitor state directory. stateDir = "/var/lib/inquisitor"; # Define an scp helper for item callbacks to use. scp-helper = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "scp-helper" '' ${pkgs.openssh}/bin/scp -i ${stateDir}/.ssh/inquisitor.key -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no "$@" ''; # Define the inquisitor service user. svcUser = { name = "inquisitor"; group = "inquisitor"; description = "Inquisitor service user"; isSystemUser = true; shell = pkgs.bashInteractive; packages = [ inquisitor pkgs.cron ]; }; # Create a config file pointing to the state directory. inqConfig = pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "inquisitor.conf"; text = '' DataPath = ${stateDir}/data/ SourcePath = ${stateDir}/sources/ CachePath = ${stateDir}/cache/ Verbose = false LogFile = ${stateDir}/inquisitor.log ''; }; # Create a setup script to ensure the service directory state. inqSetup = pkgs.writeShellScript "inquisitor-setup.sh" '' # Ensure the required directories exist. ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p ${stateDir}/data/inquisitor/ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p ${stateDir}/sources/ ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p ${stateDir}/cache/ if [ ! -f ${stateDir}/data/inquisitor/state ]; then ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/echo "{}" > ${stateDir}/data/inquisitor/state fi # Ensure the service owns the folders. ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/chown -R ${svcUser.name} ${stateDir} # Ensure the scp helper is present if [ -f ${stateDir}/scp-helper ]; then ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/rm ${stateDir}/scp-helper fi ln -s -t ${stateDir} ${scp-helper}/bin/scp-helper ''; # Create a run script for the service. inqRun = pkgs.writeShellScript "inquisitor-run.sh" '' cd ${stateDir} ${inquisitor}/bin/gunicorn \ --bind=localhost:24133 \ --workers=4 \ --timeout 120 \ --log-level debug \ "inquisitor.app:wsgi()" ''; # Create a wrapper to execute the cli as the service user. # (needed to avoid creating files in the state dir the service can't read) inqWrapper = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "inq" '' sudo --user=${svcUser.name} ${inquisitor}/bin/inquisitor "$@" ''; in mkIf cfg.enable { users.users.inquisitor = svcUser; users.groups.inquisitor = {}; # Link the config in /etc to avoid envvar shenanigans environment.etc."inquisitor.conf".source = inqConfig; # Give all users the wrapper program. environment.systemPackages = [ inqWrapper ]; # Allow the sudo in the cli wrapper without password. security.sudo.extraRules = [{ commands = [{ command = "${inquisitor}/bin/inquisitor"; options = [ "NOPASSWD" ]; }]; runAs = svcUser.name; groups = [ "users" ]; }]; # Run the setup script on activation. system.activationScripts.inquisitorSetup = "${inqSetup}"; # Set up the inquisitor service. systemd.services.inquisitor = { description = "Inquisitor server"; script = "${inqRun}"; serviceConfig = { User = svcUser.name; Type = "simple"; }; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; after = [ "network.target" ]; enable = true; }; # Set up the nginx reverse proxy to the server. services.nginx.enable = true; services.nginx.virtualHosts.inquisitorHost = { listen = [ cfg.listen ]; locations."/".extraConfig = '' access_log /var/log/nginx/access.inquisitor.log; proxy_buffering off; proxy_pass http://localhost:24133/; ''; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ cfg.listen.port ]; # Enable cron so the service can use it to schedule fetches. services.cron.enable = true; }; }