Clean up update logic
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ def update_sources(*source_names):
for source_name in source_names:
source_module = load_source(source_name)
except Exception as e:
except Exception:
error.as_item("Error importing source '{}'".format(source_name), traceback.format_exc())
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def update_sources(*source_names):
state_path = os.path.join(cell_path, "state")
with open(state_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
except Exception as e:
except Exception:
error.as_item("Error initializing source '{}'".format(source_name), traceback.format_exc())
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ def update_sources(*source_names):
||||"{} new item{}, {} deleted item{}".format(
new_count, "s" if new_count != 1 else "",
del_count, "s" if del_count != 1 else ""))
except Exception as e:
except Exception:
error.as_item("Error updating source '{}'".format(source_name), traceback.format_exc())
def load_source(source_name):
@ -58,103 +58,112 @@ def load_source(source_name):
raise ImportError("Missing fetch_new in '{}'".format(source_file_name))
# Since the source is valid, get or create the source cell.
cell_path = os.path.join(DUNGEON_PATH, source_name)
return itemsource
def update_source(source_name, fetch_new):
Attempts to update the given source. Raises an exception if the source does.
cell_path = os.path.join(DUNGEON_PATH, source_name)
# Get the existing items.
# Get the existing items from the source's cell.
prior_items, errors = loader.load_items(source_name)
if any(errors):
raise Exception(f'Can\'t update source "{source_name}", some items are corrupt')
logger.debug("Found {} prior items".format(len(prior_items)))
em = "Initial items: {}\n".format(" ".join(list(prior_items.keys())))
em += "Errors: {}\n".format(" ".join(errors))
# Get the new items.
# Get the feed items from the source's fetch method.
state = loader.load_state(source_name)
new_items = fetch_new(state)
logger.debug("Fetched {} items".format(len(new_items)))
fetched = fetch_new(state)
fetched_items = {item['id']: item for item in fetched}
em += "New items: {}\n".format(" ".join([ni['id'] for ni in new_items]))
new_count = 0
del_count = 0
# Populate all the fetched items with required or auto-generated fields.
# This also provides an opportunity to throw if the source isn't returning
# valid items.
for item in fetched_items.values():
populate_new(source_name, item)
logger.debug("Fetched {} items".format(len(fetched_items)))
# Write all the new fetched items to the source's cell.
new_items = [
item for item in fetched_items.values()
if item['id'] not in prior_items]
for item in new_items:
s = json.dumps(item)
path = os.path.join(DUNGEON_PATH, item['source'], item['id'] + ".item")
with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
if item['id'] not in prior_items:
# If the item is new, write it.
new_count += 1
s = json.dumps(item)
path = os.path.join(DUNGEON_PATH, item['source'], item['id'] + ".item")
with open(path, 'w', encoding="utf8") as f:
em += "Initialized item {}\n".format(item['id'])
# Update the extant items using the fetched item's values.
extant_items = [
item for item in fetched_items.values()
if item['id'] in prior_items]
for item in extant_items:
# The items in prior_items are writethrough dicts.
prior_item = prior_items[item['id']]
# Only bother updating active items.
if prior_item['active']:
populate_old(prior_item, item)
# If the item is extant and still active, overwrite its values.
prior_item = prior_items[item['id']]
if prior_item['active']:
populate_old(prior_item, item)
em += "Updated item {}\n".format(item['id'])
# Remove the id from the list to track its continued presence
# in the source's queue of new items.
del prior_items[item['id']]
em += "Checked off item {}\n".format(item['id'])
em += "Remaining items: {}\n".format(" ".join(list(prior_items.keys())))
em += "ls dir: {}\n".format(" ".join(list(os.listdir(os.path.join(DUNGEON_PATH, source_name)))))
# Any remaining extant items are considered old. Old items are removed
# when they are both inactive and past their ttl date.
# In general, items are removed when they are old (not found in the last
# fetch) and inactive. Some item fields can change this basic behavior.
del_count = 0
now =
for prior_id, prior_item in prior_items.items():
if 'created' in prior_item and 'ttl' in prior_item:
ttl_date = prior_item['created'] + prior_item['ttl']
ttl_date = 0
if not prior_item['active'] and ttl_date < now:
if em is not None: em += "Deleting item {}\n".format(prior_id)
old_items = [
item for item in prior_items.values()
if item['id'] not in fetched_items]
for item in old_items:
remove = not item['active']
# The time-to-live field protects an item from removal until expiry.
# This is mainly used to avoid old items resurfacing when their source
# cannot guarantee monotonicity.
if 'ttl' in item:
ttl_date = item['created'] + item['ttl']
if ttl_date > now:
# The time-to-die field can force an active item to be removed.
if 'ttd' in item:
ttd_date = item['created'] + item['ttd']
if ttd_date < now:
remove = True
# Items to be removed are deleted
if remove:
del_count += 1
file_path = os.path.join(DUNGEON_PATH, prior_item['source'], prior_item['id'] + ".item")
file_path = os.path.join(DUNGEON_PATH, item['source'], item['id'] + ".item")
if em is not None:
em += traceback.format_exc()
em += "ls dir: {}\n".format(list(os.listdir(os.path.join(DUNGEON_PATH, prior_item['source']))))
error.as_item("Failed to delete {}".format(file_path), em)
em = None
error.as_item("Failed to delete {}".format(file_path))
# Note update timestamp in state
state['last_updated'] =
# Return counts
return new_count, del_count
return len(new_items), del_count
def populate_new(item):
# id and source are required fields
def populate_new(source_name, item):
# id is required
if 'id' not in item:
raise Exception(f'Source "{source_name}" returned an item with no id')
# source is auto-populated with the source name if missing
if 'source' not in item: item['source'] = source_name
# active is forced to True for new items
item['active'] = True
if 'created' not in item: item['created'] =
# created is forced to the current timestamp
item['created'] =
# title is auto-populated with the id if missing
if 'title' not in item: item['title'] = item['id']
if 'link' not in item: item['link'] = None
if 'time' not in item: item['time'] = None
if 'author' not in item: item['author'] = None
if 'body' not in item: item['body'] = None
tags = item['tags'] if 'tags' in item else []
if item['source'] not in tags: tags.insert(0, item['source'])
item['tags'] = tags
if 'ttl' not in item: item['ttl'] = 0
# tags is auto-populated if missing (not if empty!)
if 'tags' not in item: item['tags'] = [source_name]
# link, time, author, body, ttl, ttd, and tts are optional
def populate_old(prior, new):
'title': new['title'],
'link': new['link'],
'time': new['time'],
'author': new['author'],
'body': new['body'],
'tags': new['tags'],
'ttl': new['ttl'],
# Not updated: id, source, active, created
if 'title' in new: prior['title'] = new['title']
if 'tags' in new: prior['tags'] = new['tags']
if 'link' in new: prior['link'] = new['link']
if 'time' in new: prior['time'] = new['time']
if 'author' in new: prior['author'] = new['author']
if 'body' in new: prior['body'] = new['body']
if 'ttl' in new: prior['ttl'] = new['ttl']
if 'ttd' in new: prior['ttd'] = new['ttd']
if 'tts' in new: prior['tts'] = new['tts']
Reference in New Issue
Block a user