Test sources in progress

This commit is contained in:
Tim Van Baak 2020-12-28 11:39:30 -08:00
parent 933596d25c
commit 377aabba55
3 changed files with 313 additions and 0 deletions

sources/falseknees.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Generates a dummy item.
# Standard library imports
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import os
import random
import subprocess
from time import sleep
from inquisitor import LinearCrawler, cache_image, CACHE_PATH
logger = logging.getLogger('inquisitor.sources.falseknees')
class FalseKnees(LinearCrawler):
def get_start_url(self):
return "https://falseknees.com/1.html"
def get_next_page_url(self, url, soup):
nav = soup.find('a', class_='comic-nav-next')
return nav.get('href') if nav else None
def make_item(self, url, soup):
# Basic fields
item = {
'source': 'ksbd',
'id': url.rstrip('/').rsplit('/', 1)[1],
'title': soup.find('h2', class_='post-title').text,
'link': url,
'tags': ['ksbd'],
'callback': {'cached': []}
body = ""
# Cache the imgs
imgs = soup.find('div', id='comic').find_all('img')
for img in imgs:
image_name = os.path.split(img['src'])[1]
chapter_num = soup.find('div', class_='comic-chapter').find('a').text
filename = f'{chapter_num:0>2}-{image_name}'
cached_url = cache_image(__name__, img['src'], filename)
os.path.join(__name__, filename))
body += f'<p><img src="{cached_url}"></p>'
alt_text = img.get('alt', img.get('title'))
if alt_text:
body += f'<p>{alt_text}</p>'
body_text = soup.find('div', class_='entry')
if body_text:
body += '<hr>' + str(body_text)
item['body'] = body
return item
def get_callback(self, url, soup):
# Dead reckon the images from get_body
val = {'cached': []}
imgs = soup.find('div', id='comic').find_all('img')
for img in imgs:
filename = os.path.split(img['src'])[1]
cached_filename = os.path.join(__name__, filename)
return val
def max_iterations(self):
return 2
def fetch_new(state):
return ThisWebcomic().fetch_new(state)
def callback(state, item):
for filename in item['callback']['cached']:
# Get the path to the image in the cache
path = os.path.join(CACHE_PATH, filename)
# scp the image to catacomb
remote_target = 'tvb@'
subprocess.run(['scp', path, remote_target])
# remove the image to signify success

sources/ksbd.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
Generates a dummy item.
# Standard library imports
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import os
import random
import subprocess
from time import sleep
from inquisitor import LinearCrawler, cache_image, CACHE_PATH
logger = logging.getLogger('inquisitor.sources.ksbd')
class ThisWebcomic(LinearCrawler):
def get_start_url(self):
return "https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/king-of-swords-10-156/"
def get_next_page_url(self, url, soup):
nav = soup.find('a', class_='comic-nav-next')
return nav.get('href') if nav else None
def make_item(self, url, soup):
# Basic fields
item = {
'source': 'ksbd',
'id': url.rstrip('/').rsplit('/', 1)[1],
'title': soup.find('h2', class_='post-title').text,
'link': url,
'tags': ['ksbd'],
'callback': {'cached': []}
body = ""
# Cache the imgs
imgs = soup.find('div', id='comic').find_all('img')
for img in imgs:
image_name = os.path.split(img['src'])[1]
chapter_num = soup.find('div', class_='comic-chapter').find('a').text
filename = f'{chapter_num:0>2}-{image_name}'
cached_url = cache_image(__name__, img['src'], filename)
os.path.join(__name__, filename))
body += f'<p><img src="{cached_url}"></p>'
alt_text = img.get('alt', img.get('title'))
if alt_text:
body += f'<p>{alt_text}</p>'
body_text = soup.find('div', class_='entry')
if body_text:
body += '<hr>' + str(body_text)
item['body'] = body
return item
def get_callback(self, url, soup):
# Dead reckon the images from get_body
val = {'cached': []}
imgs = soup.find('div', id='comic').find_all('img')
for img in imgs:
filename = os.path.split(img['src'])[1]
cached_filename = os.path.join(__name__, filename)
return val
def max_iterations(self):
return 2
def fetch_new(state):
return ThisWebcomic().fetch_new(state)
def callback(state, item):
for filename in item['callback']['cached']:
# Get the path to the image in the cache
path = os.path.join(CACHE_PATH, filename)
# scp the image to catacomb
remote_target = 'tvb@'
subprocess.run(['scp', path, remote_target])
# remove the image to signify success

sources/redditExample.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
# Standard library imports
import datetime
import hashlib
import logging
import time
import traceback
from inquisitor import RedditScraper
# Third party imports
import praw
# Globals
reddit = praw.Reddit("Inquisitor")
logger = logging.getLogger("inquisitor.source.reddit")
def hours_old(post):
return ((time.time() - post.created_utc) / 3600)
# class rAnime(RedditScraper):
# subreddit_name = 'anime'
# def filter_post(self, post):
# dead_horse = any([
# 'kimetsu no yaiba' in post.title.lower(),
# 'demon slayer' in post.title.lower(),
# ])
# return post.score > 40 and not dead_horse
# def get_tags(self, post):
# return super().get_tags(post) + ['weebery']
# class rEdh(RedditScraper):
# subreddit_name = 'EDH'
# def filter_post(self, post):
# return post.score > 30
# def get_tags(self, post):
# return super().get_tags(post) + ['mtg']
# class rMagicTcg(RedditScraper):
# subreddit_name = 'magicTCG'
# def filter_post(self, post):
# return post.score > 40 and post.link_flair_text not in [
# 'Altered Cards', 'Arts and Crafts']
# def get_tags(self, post):
# return super().get_tags(post) + ['mtg']
class rTf2(RedditScraper):
source = __name__
subreddit_name = 'tf2'
def subreddit_page(self, subreddit):
return subreddit.top(time_filter="month", limit=25)
def get_ttl(self, post):
return 60 * 60 * 24 * 32
# class rTouhou(RedditScraper):
# subreddit_name = 'touhou'
# def subreddit_page(self, subreddit):
# return subreddit.top(time_filter='month', limit=25)
# def get_ttl(self, post):
# return 60 * 60 * 24 * 32
# class rHomestuck(RedditScraper):
# subreddit_name = 'homestuck'
# def subreddit_page(self, subreddit):
# return subreddit.top(time_filter='month', limit=25)
# def get_ttl(self, post):
# return 60 * 60 * 24 * 32
# class rSubSimGpt2(RedditScraper):
# subreddit_name = 'SubSimulatorGPT2'
# def subreddit_page(self, subreddit):
# return subreddit.top(time_filter='month', limit=25)
# def filter_post(self, post):
# return not post.over_18
# def get_title(self, post):
# return f"/r/{post.author.name[:post.author.name.find('G')]}: {post.title}"
# def get_link(self, post):
# return None if post.is_self else super().get_link(post)
# class rDebateReligion(RedditScraper):
# subreddit_name = 'DebateReligion'
# def subreddit_page(self, subreddit):
# return subreddit.new(limit=25)
# def filter_post(self, post):
# return post.author and post.author.name == 'AutoModerator' and hours_old(post) < 28
# def get_body(self, post):
# return None
# def get_ttd(self, post):
# return 60 * 60 * 28
# class rDndGreentext(RedditScraper):
# subreddit_name = 'DnDGreentext'
# def filter_post(self, post):
# return post.score > 800
# def get_body(self, post):
# if post.selftext:
# preview_body = post.selftext.replace("\n", "<br>")
# return f'<p>{preview_body}</p>'
# return super().get_body(post)
def fetch_new(state):
reddit = praw.Reddit('Inquisitor')
return RedditScraper.fetch_new(state, __name__, reddit)
def wp_filter(post):
forbidden = ['superpower', 'superhero', 'supervillain', 'immortal', 'alien', 'satan', 'galaxy', 'galactic']
title = post.title.lower()
return not any([keyword in title for keyword in forbidden])
'WritingPrompts': {
'lambda_get': lambda subreddit: subreddit.top(time_filter="day", limit=25),
'lambda_filter': wp_filter,
'title': lambda title, post: title + " [+{}]".format(post.score)
"madeinabyss": {
'lambda_get': lambda subreddit: subreddit.top(time_filter="week", limit=25),
'lambda_filter': lambda post: any([s in post.title.lower() for s in ['movie', 'theat', 'us', 'deep', 'soul', 'dawn', '3']]),
'tags': lambda tags, post: tags + ['weebery']
"magicthecirclejerking": {
'lambda_get': lambda subreddit: subreddit.top(time_filter="week", limit=50),
'lambda_filter': lambda post: True,
'tags': lambda tags, post: [t for t in tags + ['mtg', "magicTGCJ"] if t != "magicthecirclejerking"],