336 lines
10 KiB
336 lines
10 KiB
import json
import uuid
from flask import (
Blueprint, render_template, url_for, redirect, g, flash, request, Markup)
from flask_login import login_required, current_user
from amanuensis.config import root
from amanuensis.config.loader import ReadOnlyOrderedDict
from amanuensis.errors import MissingConfigError
from amanuensis.lexicon.manage import valid_add, add_player, add_character, attempt_publish
from amanuensis.parser import parse_raw_markdown, PreviewHtmlRenderer, FeatureCounter, filesafe_title
from amanuensis.server.forms import (
LexiconConfigForm, LexiconJoinForm,LexiconCharacterForm, LexiconReviewForm)
from amanuensis.server.helpers import (
lexicon_param, player_required, editor_required,
def jsonfmt(obj):
return Markup(json.dumps(obj))
def get_bp():
"""Create a blueprint for lexicon pages"""
bp = Blueprint('lexicon', __name__, url_prefix='/lexicon/<name>')
@bp.route("/join/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def join(name):
if not g.lexicon.join.open:
flash("This game isn't open for joining")
return redirect(url_for('home.home'))
form = LexiconJoinForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
# Gate on password if one is required
if (g.lexicon.join.password
and form.password.data != g.lexicon.join.password):
return redirect(url_for("lexicon.join", name=name))
# Gate on join validity
if valid_add(g.lexicon, current_user, form.password.data):
add_player(g.lexicon, current_user)
return redirect(url_for("lexicon.session", name=name))
flash("Could not join game")
return redirect(url_for("home.home", name=name))
return render_template('lexicon/join.jinja', form=form)
@bp.route('/contents/', methods=['GET'])
def contents(name):
articles = []
filenames = g.lexicon_.ctx.article.ls()
for filename in filenames:
with g.lexicon_.ctx.article.read(filename) as a:
'title': a.title,
'link': url_for('lexicon.article', name=name, title=filesafe_title(a.title)),
return render_template('lexicon/contents.jinja', articles=articles)
def article(name, title):
with g.lexicon_.ctx.article.read(title) as a:
article = { **a, 'html': Markup(a['html']) }
return render_template('lexicon/article.jinja', article=article)
@bp.route('/rules/', methods=['GET'])
def rules(name):
return render_template('lexicon/rules.jinja')
@bp.route('/session/', methods=['GET'])
def session(name):
drafts = []
approved = []
draft_ctx = g.lexicon.ctx.draft
draft_filenames = draft_ctx.ls()
for draft_filename in draft_filenames:
with draft_ctx.read(draft_filename) as draft:
if draft.status.ready and not draft.status.approved:
if draft.status.approved:
return render_template(
def edit_character(name, form, cid):
if form.validate_on_submit():
# Update character
form.update_character(g.lexicon, cid)
flash('Character updated')
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
if not form.is_submitted():
# On GET, populate with the character
form.for_character(g.lexicon, cid)
return render_template('lexicon/character.jinja', form=form, action='edit')
def create_character(name, form):
if form.validate_on_submit():
# On POST, verify character can be added
if not g.lexicon.can_add_character(current_user.id):
flash('Operation not permitted')
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
# Add the character
form.add_character(g.lexicon, current_user)
flash('Character created')
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
if not form.is_submitted():
# On GET, populate form for new character
return render_template('lexicon/character.jinja', form=form, action='create')
@bp.route('/session/character/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def character(name):
form = LexiconCharacterForm()
cid = request.args.get('cid')
if cid:
if cid not in g.lexicon.character:
flash('Character not found')
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
if (g.lexicon.character.get(cid).player != current_user.id
and g.lexicon.editor != current_user.id):
flash('Access denied')
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
return edit_character(name, form, cid)
return create_character(name, form)
@bp.route('/session/settings/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def settings(name):
form = LexiconConfigForm()
# Load the config for the lexicon on load
if not form.is_submitted():
return render_template("lexicon/settings.jinja", form=form)
if form.validate():
if not form.update_lexicon(g.lexicon):
flash("Error updating settings")
return render_template("lexicon/settings.jinja", form=form)
flash("Settings updated")
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
flash("Validation error")
return render_template("lexicon/settings.jinja", form=form)
@bp.route('/session/review/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def review(name):
aid = request.args.get('aid')
if not aid:
flash("Unknown article id")
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
draft_ctx = g.lexicon.ctx.draft
draft_filename = [fn for fn in draft_ctx.ls() if aid in fn][0]
with draft_ctx.edit(draft_filename) as draft:
# If the article was unreadied in the meantime, abort
if not draft.status.ready:
flash("Article was rescinded")
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
parsed_draft = parse_raw_markdown(draft.contents)
rendered_html = parsed_draft.render(PreviewHtmlRenderer(g.lexicon))
# If the article is ready and awaiting review
if not draft.status.approved:
form = LexiconReviewForm()
if form.validate_on_submit():
if form.approved.data == 'Y':
draft.status.ready = True
draft.status.approved = True
g.lexicon.add_log(f"Article '{draft.title}' approved ({draft.aid})")
if g.lexicon.publish.asap:
draft.status.ready = False
draft.status.approved = False
g.lexicon.add_log(f"Article '{draft.title}' rejected ({draft.aid})")
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
# If the article was already reviewed and this is just the preview
form = None
return render_template(
@bp.route('/statistics/', methods=['GET'])
def stats(name):
return render_template('lexicon/statistics.jinja')
@bp.route('/session/editor/', methods=['GET'])
def editor(name):
- neither cid nor aid: load all chars and articles
- cid: list articles just for cid
- aid:
cid = request.args.get('cid')
if not cid:
# Character not specified, load all characters and articles
# and return render_template
characters = [
char for char in g.lexicon.character.values()
if char.player == current_user.id
articles = [
article for article in g.lexicon.get_drafts_for_player(uid=current_user.id)
if any([article.character == char.cid for char in characters])
return render_template(
character = g.lexicon.character.get(cid)
if not character:
# Character was specified, but id was invalid
flash("Character not found")
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
if character.player != current_user.id:
# Player doesn't control this character
flash("Access forbidden")
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
aid = request.args.get('aid')
if not aid:
# Character specified but not article, load character articles
# and retuen r_t
articles = [
article for article in g.lexicon.get_drafts_for_player(uid=current_user.id)
if article.character == character.cid
return render_template(
filename = f'{cid}.{aid}'
with g.lexicon.ctx.draft.read(filename) as a:
article = a
except MissingConfigError:
flash("Draft not found")
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.session', name=name))
return render_template(
@bp.route('/session/editor/new', methods=['GET'])
def editor_new(name):
new_aid = uuid.uuid4().hex
# TODO harden this
cid = request.args.get("cid")
character = g.lexicon.character.get(cid)
article = {
"version": "0",
"aid": new_aid,
"lexicon": g.lexicon.id,
"character": cid,
"title": "",
"turn": 1,
"status": {
"ready": False,
"approved": False
"contents": f"\n\n{character.signature}",
filename = f"{cid}.{new_aid}"
with g.lexicon.ctx.draft.new(filename) as j:
return redirect(url_for('lexicon.editor', name=name, cid=cid, aid=new_aid))
@bp.route('/session/editor/update', methods=['POST'])
def editor_update(name):
article = request.json['article']
# TODO verification
# check if article was previously approved
# check extrinsic constraints for blocking errors
parsed_draft = parse_raw_markdown(article['contents'])
rendered_html = parsed_draft.render(PreviewHtmlRenderer(g.lexicon))
features = parsed_draft.render(FeatureCounter())
filename = f'{article["character"]}.{article["aid"]}'
with g.lexicon.ctx.draft.edit(filename) as a:
# TODO return more info
return {
'article': article,
'info': {
'rendered': rendered_html,
'word_count': features.word_count,
return bp