Reorganize lexicon module

This commit is contained in:
Tim Van Baak 2020-04-23 22:48:54 -07:00
parent 4886e27e5d
commit a58761d7a5
5 changed files with 104 additions and 165 deletions

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@ -1,97 +1,6 @@
import os from amanuensis.lexicon.admin import valid_name, create_lexicon
import time
from amanuensis.errors import ( __all__ = [member.__name__ for member in [
ArgumentError, IndexMismatchError, MissingConfigError) valid_name,
from amanuensis.config import prepend, json_ro, json_rw, root create_lexicon,
class LexiconModel():
def by(lid=None, name=None):
Gets the LexiconModel with the given lid or username
If the lid or name simply does not match an existing lexicon, returns
None. If the lid matches the index but there is something wrong with
the lexicon's config, raises an error.
if lid and name:
raise ArgumentError("lid and name both specified to Lexicon"
if not lid and not name:
raise ArgumentError("One of lid or name must be not None")
if not lid:
with json_ro('lexicon', 'index.json') as index:
lid = index.get(name)
if not lid:
return None
if not os.path.isdir(prepend('lexicon', lid)):
raise IndexMismatchError("lexicon={} lid={}".format(name, lid))
if not os.path.isfile(prepend('lexicon', lid, 'config.json')):
raise MissingConfigError("lid={}".format(lid))
return LexiconModel(lid)
def __init__(self, lid):
if not os.path.isdir(prepend('lexicon', lid)):
raise ValueError("No lexicon with lid {}".format(lid))
if not os.path.isfile(prepend('lexicon', lid, 'config.json')):
raise FileNotFoundError("Lexicon {} missing config.json".format(lid)) = str(lid)
self.config_path = prepend('lexicon', lid, 'config.json')
with json_ro(self.config_path) as j:
self.config = j
self.ctx = root.lexicon[]
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key not in self.config:
raise AttributeError(key)
if key == 'title':
return self.config.get('title') or f'Lexicon {}'
return self.config.get(key)
def __str__(self):
return '<Lexicon {}>'.format(self)
def __repr__(self):
return '<LexiconModel lid={} name={}>'.format(self)
def edit(self):
return json_rw(self.config_path)
def add_log(self, message):
now = int(time.time())
with self.edit() as j:
j['log'].append([now, message])
def status(self):
if self.turn.current is None:
return "unstarted"
if self.turn.current > self.turn.max:
return "completed"
return "ongoing"
def can_add_character(self, uid):
return (
# Players can't add more characters than chars_per_player
< self.join.chars_per_player)
# Characters can only be added before the game starts
and not self.turn.current)
def get_characters_for_player(self, uid=None):
return [
char for char in self.character.values()
if uid is None or char.player == uid]
def get_drafts_for_player(self, uid):
chars = self.get_characters_for_player(uid=uid)
drafts_path = prepend('lexicon',, 'draft')
drafts = []
for filename in os.listdir(drafts_path):
for char in chars:
if filename.startswith(str(char.cid)):
for i in range(len(drafts)):
with json_ro(drafts_path, drafts[i]) as a:
drafts[i] = a
return drafts

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
Submodule of functions for creating and managing lexicons within the
general Amanuensis context.
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import time
import uuid
from amanuensis.config import RootConfigDirectoryContext, AttrOrderedDict
from amanuensis.errors import ArgumentError
from amanuensis.models import ModelFactory, UserModel, LexiconModel
from amanuensis.resources import get_stream
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def valid_name(name: str) -> bool:
Validates that a lexicon name consists only of alpahnumerics, dashes,
underscores, and spaces
return re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9-_ ]+$', name) is not None
def create_lexicon(
root: RootConfigDirectoryContext,
model_factory: ModelFactory,
name: str,
editor: UserModel) -> LexiconModel:
Creates a lexicon with the given name and sets the given user as its editor
# Verify arguments
if not name:
raise ArgumentError(f'Empty lexicon name: "{name}"')
if not valid_name(name):
raise ArgumentError(f'Invalid lexicon name: "{name}"')
with root.lexicon.read_index() as extant_lexicons:
if name in extant_lexicons.keys():
raise ArgumentError(f'Lexicon name already taken: "{name}"')
if editor is None:
raise ArgumentError('Editor must not be None')
# Create the lexicon directory and initialize it with a blank lexicon
lid: str = uuid.uuid4().hex
lex_dir = os.path.join(root.lexicon.path, lid)
with get_stream("lexicon.json") as s:
path: str = os.path.join(lex_dir, 'config.json')
with open(path, 'wb') as f:
# Create subdirectories
os.mkdir(os.path.join(lex_dir, 'draft'))
os.mkdir(os.path.join(lex_dir, 'src'))
os.mkdir(os.path.join(lex_dir, 'article'))
# Update the index with the new lexicon
with root.lexicon.edit_index() as index:
index[name] = lid
# Fill out the new lexicon
with root.lexicon[lid].edit_config() as cfg:
cfg.lid = lid = name
cfg.editor = editor.uid
cfg.time.created = int(time.time())
with root.lexicon[lid].edit('info', create=True):
pass # Create an empry config file
# Load the lexicon and add the editor and default character
lexicon = model_factory.lexicon(lid)
with lexicon.ctx.edit_config() as cfg:
with get_stream('character.json') as template:
character = json.load(template, object_pairs_hook=AttrOrderedDict)
character.cid = 'default' = 'Ersatz Scrivener'
character.player = None, character)
# Log the creation
message = f'Created {lexicon.title}, ed. {editor.cfg.displayname} ({lid})'
return lexicon

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Submodule of functions for managing lexicon games during the core game
loop of writing and publishing articles.

View File

@ -16,77 +16,8 @@ from amanuensis.lexicon import LexiconModel
from amanuensis.parser import parse_raw_markdown, GetCitations, HtmlRenderer, filesafe_title, titlesort from amanuensis.parser import parse_raw_markdown, GetCitations, HtmlRenderer, filesafe_title, titlesort
from amanuensis.resources import get_stream from amanuensis.resources import get_stream
def valid_name(name):
Validates that a lexicon name consists only of alpahnumerics, dashes,
underscores, and spaces
return re.match(r"^[A-Za-z0-9-_ ]+$", name) is not None
def create_lexicon(name, editor):
Creates a lexicon with the given name and sets the given user as its editor
# Verify arguments
if not name:
raise ArgumentError('Empty lexicon name: "{}"'.format(name))
if not valid_name(name):
raise ArgumentError('Invalid lexicon name: "{}"'.format(name))
with json_ro('lexicon', 'index.json') as index:
if name in index.keys():
raise ArgumentError('Lexicon name already taken: "{}"'.format(
if editor is None:
raise ArgumentError("Invalid editor: '{}'".format(editor))
# Create the lexicon directory and initialize it with a blank lexicon
lid = uuid.uuid4().hex
lex_dir = prepend("lexicon", lid)
with get_stream("lexicon.json") as s:
with open(prepend(lex_dir, 'config.json'), 'wb') as f:
# Fill out the new lexicon
with json_rw(lex_dir, 'config.json') as cfg:
cfg['lid'] = lid
cfg['name'] = name
cfg['editor'] = editor.uid
cfg['time']['created'] = int(time.time())
with json_rw(lex_dir, 'info.json', new=True) as info:
# Create subdirectories
os.mkdir(prepend(lex_dir, 'draft'))
os.mkdir(prepend(lex_dir, 'src'))
os.mkdir(prepend(lex_dir, 'article'))
# Update the index with the new lexicon
with json_rw('lexicon', 'index.json') as index:
index[name] = lid
# Load the Lexicon and log creation
l = LexiconModel(lid)
l.add_log("Lexicon created")"Created Lexicon {}, ed. {1.displayname} ({})".format(
l, editor))
# Add the editor
add_player(l, editor)
# Add the fallback character
add_character(l, editor, {
"cid": "default",
"name": "Ersatz Scrivener",
"player": None,
with l.edit() as cfg:
cfg.character.default.player = None
return l
def delete_lexicon(lex, purge=False): def delete_lexicon(lex, purge=False):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Submodule of functions for managing lexicon games during the setup and
joining part of the game lifecycle.