using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using MultiversalDiplomacy.Orders; namespace MultiversalDiplomacy.Model; /// /// This class defines the regular expressions that are used to build up larger expressions for matching orders /// and other script inputs. It also provides helper functions to extract the captured order elements as tuples, /// which function as the structured intermediate representation between raw user input and full Order objects. /// public class OrderRegex(World world) { public const string Type = "(A|F|Army|Fleet)"; public const string Timeline = "([A-Za-z]+)"; public const string Turn = "([0-9]+)"; public const string SlashLocation = "(?:/([A-Za-z]+))"; public const string ParenLocation = "(?:\\(([A-Za-z ]+)\\))"; public string FullLocation => $"(?:{Timeline}-)?{world.Map.ProvinceRegex}(?:{SlashLocation}|{ParenLocation})?(?:@{Turn})?"; public string UnitSpec => $"(?:{Type} )?{FullLocation}"; public const string HoldVerb = "(h|hold|holds)"; public const string MoveVerb = "(-|(?:->)|(?:=>)|(?:attack(?:s)?)|(?:move(?:s)?(?: to)?))"; public const string SupportVerb = "(s|support|supports)"; public const string ViaConvoy = "(convoy|via convoy|by convoy)"; public Regex Hold => new( $"^{UnitSpec} {HoldVerb}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); public static ( string type, string timeline, string province, string location, string turn, string holdVerb) ParseHold(Match match) => ( match.Groups[1].Value, match.Groups[2].Value, match.Groups[3].Value, match.Groups[4].Length > 0 ? match.Groups[4].Value : match.Groups[5].Value, match.Groups[6].Value, match.Groups[7].Value); public Regex Move => new( $"^{UnitSpec} {MoveVerb} {FullLocation}(?: {ViaConvoy})?$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); public static ( string type, string timeline, string province, string location, string turn, string moveVerb, string destTimeline, string destProvince, string destLocation, string destTurn, string viaConvoy) ParseMove(Match match) => ( match.Groups[1].Value, match.Groups[2].Value, match.Groups[3].Value, match.Groups[4].Length > 0 ? match.Groups[4].Value : match.Groups[5].Value, match.Groups[6].Value, match.Groups[7].Value, match.Groups[8].Value, match.Groups[9].Value, match.Groups[10].Length > 0 ? match.Groups[10].Value : match.Groups[11].Value, match.Groups[12].Value, match.Groups[13].Value); public Regex SupportHold => new( $"^{UnitSpec} {SupportVerb} {UnitSpec}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); public static ( string type, string timeline, string province, string location, string turn, string supportVerb, string targetType, string targetTimeline, string targetProvince, string targetLocation, string targetTurn) ParseSupportHold(Match match) => ( match.Groups[1].Value, match.Groups[2].Value, match.Groups[3].Value, match.Groups[4].Length > 0 ? match.Groups[4].Value : match.Groups[5].Value, match.Groups[6].Value, match.Groups[7].Value, match.Groups[8].Value, match.Groups[9].Value, match.Groups[10].Value, match.Groups[11].Length > 0 ? match.Groups[11].Value : match.Groups[12].Value, match.Groups[13].Value); public static bool TryParseUnit(World world, string unitSpec, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Unit? newUnit) { newUnit = null; Regex reUnit = new( $"^{world.Map.PowerRegex} {Type} {world.Map.ProvinceRegex}(?:{SlashLocation}|{ParenLocation})?$"); Match match = reUnit.Match(unitSpec); if (!match.Success) { Console.WriteLine($"Could not match unit spec \"{unitSpec}\""); return false; } string power = world.Map.Powers.First(p => p.EqualsAnyCase(match.Groups[1].Value)); string typeName = Enum.GetNames().First(name => name.StartsWithAnyCase(match.Groups[2].Value)); UnitType type = Enum.Parse(typeName); Province province = world.Map.Provinces.First(prov => prov.Name.EqualsAnyCase(match.Groups[3].Value) || prov.Abbreviations.Any(abv => abv.EqualsAnyCase(match.Groups[3].Value))); string locationName = match.Groups[4].Length > 0 ? match.Groups[4].Value : match.Groups[5].Value; Location location = province.Locations.First(loc => loc.Name.StartsWithAnyCase(locationName) || loc.Abbreviation.StartsWithAnyCase(locationName)); newUnit = Unit.Build(location.Key, Season.First, power, type); return true; } public static bool TryParseOrder(World world, string power, string command, out Order? order) { order = null; OrderRegex re = new(world); Match match; if ((match = re.Hold.Match(command)).Success) { var hold = ParseHold(match); Unit unit = world.Units.First(unit => world.Map.GetLocation(unit.Location).ProvinceName == hold.province && unit.Season.Timeline == (hold.timeline.Length > 0 ? hold.timeline : "a") && unit.Season.Turn.ToString() == (hold.turn.Length > 0 ? hold.turn : "0")); order = new HoldOrder(power, unit); return true; } else if ((match = re.Move.Match(command)).Success) { var move = ParseMove(match); Unit unit = world.Units.First(unit => world.Map.GetLocation(unit.Location).ProvinceName == move.province && unit.Season.Timeline == (move.timeline.Length > 0 ? move.timeline : "a") && unit.Season.Turn.ToString() == (move.turn.Length > 0 ? move.turn : "0")); order = new MoveOrder(power, unit, Season.First, "l"); return true; } return false; } }