using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace MultiversalDiplomacy.Model;
/// A timeline of a game. Essentially a wrapper around for tracking the multiversal dimension.
public struct Timeline
public readonly int number;
/// Timeline designations for differentiating timelines. Shortenable to the first character.
private static readonly string[] primaryDesignations = new string[]
/// Disambiguators used once all primary timeline designations have been used.
private static readonly string[] secondaryDesignations = new string[]
/// Short versions of the secondary timeline disambiguators.
private static readonly string[] secondaryDesignationsShort = new string[]
public Timeline(int number)
if (number < FIRST_TIMELINE)
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid timeline number: {number}", nameof(number));
if (number >= primaryDesignations.Length * secondaryDesignations.Length)
throw new ArgumentException($"Timeline number too high: {number}", nameof(number));
this.number = number;
/// The first timeline number.
public const int FIRST_TIMELINE = 0;
/// Which primary designation the timeline has.
private int primaryIndex => number % primaryDesignations.Length;
/// Which secondary designation the timeline has.
private int secondaryIndex => number / primaryDesignations.Length;
/// Returns the timeline's full string representation.
/// The timeline designation as a string, such as "bravo" or "delta-prime".
public override string ToString()
=> primaryDesignations[primaryIndex] + secondaryDesignations[secondaryIndex];
/// Returns a shorter string representation of the timeline.
/// The timeline's designation as a string, such as "b" or "d'".
public string ToShort()
=> primaryDesignations[primaryIndex][0] + secondaryDesignationsShort[secondaryIndex];
/// Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified value.
/// true if obj has the same value as this instance; otherwise, false.
public override bool Equals([NotNullWhen(true)] object? obj)
=> obj is Timeline other
? number.Equals(other.number)
: false;
/// Returns the hash code for this instance.
/// A 32-bit signed integer hash code.
public override int GetHashCode()
=> number.GetHashCode();
public static int operator -(Timeline first, Timeline second)
=> Math.Abs(first.number - second.number);