using MultiversalDiplomacy.Model; using MultiversalDiplomacy.Orders; namespace MultiversalDiplomacy.Adjudicate; /// /// Helper class encapsulating the convoy pathfindind code. /// public static class PathFinder { /// /// Determines if a convoy path exists for a move in a convoy order. /// public static bool ConvoyPathExists(World world, ConvoyOrder order) => ConvoyPathExists(world, order.Target, order.Location, order.Season); /// /// Determines if a convoy path exists for a move order. /// public static bool ConvoyPathExists(World world, MoveOrder order) => ConvoyPathExists(world, order.Unit, order.Location, order.Season); private static bool ConvoyPathExists( World world, Unit movingUnit, Location unitLocation, Season unitSeason) { // A convoy path exists between two locations if both are land locations in provinces that // also have coasts, and between those coasts there is a path of adjacent sea provinces // (not coastal) that are occupied by fleets. The move order is valid even if the fleets // belong to another power or were not given convoy orders; it will simply fail. IDictionary<(string location, Season season), Unit> fleets = world.Units .Where(unit => unit.Type == UnitType.Fleet) .ToDictionary(unit => (unit.Location, unit.Season)); // Verify that the origin is a coastal province. if (world.Map.GetLocation(movingUnit).Type != LocationType.Land) return false; IEnumerable originCoasts = world.Map.GetLocation(movingUnit).Province.Locations .Where(location => location.Type == LocationType.Water); if (!originCoasts.Any()) return false; // Verify that the destination is a coastal province. if (unitLocation.Type != LocationType.Land) return false; IEnumerable destCoasts = unitLocation.Province.Locations .Where(location => location.Type == LocationType.Water); if (!destCoasts.Any()) return false; // Seed the to-visit set with the origin coasts. Coastal locations will be filtered out of // locations added to the to-visit set, but the logic will still work with these as // starting points. Queue<(Location location, Season season)> toVisit = new( originCoasts.Select(location => (location, unitSeason))); HashSet<(Location, Season)> visited = new(); // Begin pathfinding. while (toVisit.Any()) { // Visit the next point in the queue. (Location currentLocation, Season currentSeason) = toVisit.Dequeue(); visited.Add((currentLocation, currentSeason)); var adjacents = GetAdjacentPoints(world, currentLocation, currentSeason); foreach ((Location adjLocation, Season adjSeason) in adjacents) { // If the destination is adjacent, then a path exists. if (destCoasts.Contains(adjLocation) && unitSeason == adjSeason) return true; // If not, add this location to the to-visit set if it isn't a coast, has a fleet, // and hasn't already been visited. if (!adjLocation.Province.Locations.Any(l => l.Type == LocationType.Land) && fleets.ContainsKey((adjLocation.Designation, adjSeason)) && !visited.Contains((adjLocation, adjSeason))) { toVisit.Enqueue((adjLocation, adjSeason)); } } } // If the destination was never reached, then no path exists. return false; } private static List<(Location, Season)> GetAdjacentPoints(World world, Location location, Season season) { List<(Location, Season)> adjacentPoints = []; List adjacentLocations = location.Adjacents.ToList(); List adjacentSeasons = GetAdjacentSeasons(world, season).ToList(); foreach (Location adjacentLocation in adjacentLocations) { adjacentPoints.Add((adjacentLocation, season)); } foreach (Season adjacentSeason in adjacentSeasons) { adjacentPoints.Add((location, adjacentSeason)); } foreach (Location adjacentLocation in adjacentLocations) { foreach (Season adjacentSeason in adjacentSeasons) { adjacentPoints.Add((adjacentLocation, adjacentSeason)); } } return adjacentPoints; } /// /// Returns all seasons that are adjacent to a season. /// public static IEnumerable GetAdjacentSeasons(World world, Season season) { List adjacents = []; // The immediate past and all immediate futures are adjacent. if (season.Past != null) adjacents.Add(world.GetSeason(season.Past)); adjacents.AddRange(world.GetFutures(season)); // Find all adjacent timelines by finding all timelines that branched off of this season's // timeline, i.e. all futures of this season's past that have different timelines. Also // include any timelines that branched off of the timeline this timeline branched off from. List adjacentTimelineRoots = []; Season? current; for (current = season; current?.Past != null && world.GetSeason(current.Past).Timeline == current.Timeline; current = world.GetSeason(current.Past)) { adjacentTimelineRoots.AddRange( world.GetFutures(current).Where(s => s.Timeline != current.Timeline)); } // At the end of the for loop, if this season is part of the first timeline, then current // is the root season (current.past == null); if this season is in a branched timeline, // then current is the branch timeline's root season (current.past.timeline != // current.timeline). There are co-branches if this season is in a branched timeline, since // the first timeline by definition cannot have co-branches. if (current?.Past != null && world.GetSeason(current.Past) is Season past) { IEnumerable cobranchRoots = world .GetFutures(past) .Where(s => s.Timeline != current.Timeline && s.Timeline != past.Timeline); adjacentTimelineRoots.AddRange(cobranchRoots); } // Walk up all alternate timelines to find seasons within one turn of this season. foreach (Season timelineRoot in adjacentTimelineRoots) { for (Season? branchSeason = timelineRoot; branchSeason != null && branchSeason.Turn <= season.Turn + 1; branchSeason = world.GetFutures(branchSeason) .FirstOrDefault(s => s!.Timeline == branchSeason.Timeline, null)) { if (branchSeason.Turn >= season.Turn - 1) adjacents.Add(branchSeason); } } return adjacents; } }