Add movement phase order adjudication
This implementation does not handle convoys nor account for circular movement and convoy paradoxes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,4 +21,13 @@ public interface IPhaseAdjudicator
/// result for the illegal order and a valid result for the replacement order.
/// </returns>
public List<OrderValidation> ValidateOrders(World world, List<Order> orders);
/// <summary>
/// Given a list of valid orders, adjudicate the success and failure of the orders. The world
/// will be updated with new seasons and unit positions and returned alongside the adjudication
/// results.
/// </summary>
public (List<OrderAdjudication> results, World updated) AdjudicateOrders(
World world,
List<Order> orders);
@ -8,6 +8,281 @@ namespace MultiversalDiplomacy.Adjudicate;
/// </summary>
public class MovementPhaseAdjudicator : IPhaseAdjudicator
/// <summary>
/// Base class for adjudication decisions. The decision-based adjudication algorithm is based
/// on DATC section 5 and "The Math of Adjudication" by Lucas Kruijswijk, respectively found at
/// and
/// </summary>
private abstract class AdjudicationDecision
public abstract bool Resolved { get; }
private abstract class BinaryAdjudicationDecision : AdjudicationDecision
public bool? Outcome { get; private set; } = null;
public override bool Resolved => this.Outcome != null;
public bool Update(bool outcome)
if (this.Outcome == null)
this.Outcome = outcome;
return true;
if (this.Outcome != outcome)
string name = this.GetType().Name;
throw new ArgumentException(
$"Cannot reverse adjudication of {name} from {this.Outcome} to {outcome}");
return false;
private abstract class NumericAdjudicationDecision : AdjudicationDecision
public int MinValue { get; private set; } = 0;
public int MaxValue { get; private set; } = 99;
public override bool Resolved => this.MinValue == this.MaxValue;
public bool Update(int min, int max)
if (min < this.MinValue || max > this.MaxValue)
string name = this.GetType().Name;
throw new ArgumentException(
$"Cannot reverse adjudication of {name} from ({this.MinValue},{this.MaxValue})"
+ $" to ({min},{max})");
bool updated = this.MinValue != min || this.MaxValue != max;
this.MinValue = min;
this.MaxValue = max;
return updated;
private class IsDislodged : BinaryAdjudicationDecision
public UnitOrder Order { get; }
public List<MoveOrder> Incoming { get; }
public IsDislodged(UnitOrder order, IEnumerable<MoveOrder> incoming)
this.Order = order;
this.Incoming = incoming.ToList();
private class HasPath : BinaryAdjudicationDecision
public MoveOrder Order { get; }
public HasPath(MoveOrder order)
this.Order = order;
private class GivesSupport : BinaryAdjudicationDecision
public SupportOrder Order { get; }
public List<MoveOrder> Cuts { get; }
public GivesSupport(SupportOrder order, IEnumerable<MoveOrder> cuts)
this.Order = order;
this.Cuts = cuts.ToList();
private class HoldStrength : NumericAdjudicationDecision
public Province Province { get; }
public UnitOrder? Order { get; }
public List<SupportHoldOrder> Supports { get; }
public HoldStrength(Province province, UnitOrder? order = null)
this.Province = province;
this.Order = order;
this.Supports = new();
private class AttackStrength : NumericAdjudicationDecision
public MoveOrder Order { get; }
public List<SupportMoveOrder> Supports { get; }
public MoveOrder? OpposingMove { get; }
public AttackStrength(MoveOrder order, IEnumerable<SupportMoveOrder> supports, MoveOrder? opposingMove = null)
this.Order = order;
this.Supports = supports.ToList();
this.OpposingMove = opposingMove;
private class DefendStrength : NumericAdjudicationDecision
public MoveOrder Order { get; }
public List<SupportMoveOrder> Supports { get; }
public DefendStrength(MoveOrder order, IEnumerable<SupportMoveOrder> supports)
this.Order = order;
this.Supports = supports.ToList();
private class PreventStrength : NumericAdjudicationDecision
public MoveOrder Order { get; }
public List<SupportMoveOrder> Supports { get; }
public MoveOrder? OpposingMove { get; }
public PreventStrength(MoveOrder order, IEnumerable<SupportMoveOrder> supports, MoveOrder? opposingMove = null)
this.Order = order;
this.Supports = supports.ToList();
this.OpposingMove = opposingMove;
private class DoesMove : BinaryAdjudicationDecision
public MoveOrder Order { get; }
public MoveOrder? OpposingMove { get; }
public List<MoveOrder> Competing { get; }
public DoesMove(MoveOrder order, MoveOrder? opposingMove, IEnumerable<MoveOrder> competing)
this.Order = order;
this.OpposingMove = opposingMove;
this.Competing = competing.ToList();
private class Decisions
public Dictionary<Unit, IsDislodged> IsDislodged { get; }
public Dictionary<MoveOrder, HasPath> HasPath { get; }
public Dictionary<SupportOrder, GivesSupport> GivesSupport { get; }
public Dictionary<Province, HoldStrength> HoldStrength { get; }
public Dictionary<MoveOrder, AttackStrength> AttackStrength { get; }
public Dictionary<MoveOrder, DefendStrength> DefendStrength { get; }
public Dictionary<MoveOrder, PreventStrength> PreventStrength { get; }
public Dictionary<MoveOrder, DoesMove> DoesMove { get; }
public List<AdjudicationDecision> UnresolvedDecisions { get; }
public Decisions(List<Order> orders)
this.IsDislodged = new();
this.HasPath = new();
this.GivesSupport = new();
this.HoldStrength = new();
this.AttackStrength = new();
this.DefendStrength = new();
this.PreventStrength = new();
this.DoesMove = new();
foreach (UnitOrder order in orders.Cast<UnitOrder>())
// Create a dislodge decision for this unit.
List<MoveOrder> incoming = orders
.Where(move => move.Location.Province == order.Unit.Location.Province)
this.IsDislodged[order.Unit] = new(order, incoming);
// Ensure a hold strength decision exists.
Province province = order.Unit.Location.Province;
if (!this.HoldStrength.ContainsKey(province))
this.HoldStrength[province] = new(province, order);
if (order is MoveOrder move)
// Find supports corresponding to this move.
List<SupportMoveOrder> supports = orders
.Where(support => support.IsSupportFor(move))
// Determine if this move is a head-to-head battle.
MoveOrder? opposingMove = orders
.FirstOrDefault(other => other != null && other.IsOpposing(move), null);
// Find competing moves.
List<MoveOrder> competing = orders
.Where(other => other.Location.Province == move.Location.Province)
// Create the move-related decisions.
this.HasPath[move] = new(move);
this.AttackStrength[move] = new(move, supports, opposingMove);
this.DefendStrength[move] = new(move, supports);
this.PreventStrength[move] = new(move, supports, opposingMove);
this.DoesMove[move] = new(move, opposingMove, competing);
// Ensure a hold strength decision exists for the destination.
Province dest = move.Location.Province;
if (!this.HoldStrength.ContainsKey(dest))
this.HoldStrength[dest] = new(dest);
else if (order is SupportOrder support)
// Create the support decision.
this.GivesSupport[support] = new(support, incoming);
// Ensure a hold strength decision exists for the target's province.
Province target = support.Target.Location.Province;
if (!this.HoldStrength.ContainsKey(target))
this.HoldStrength[target] = new(target);
if (support is SupportHoldOrder supportHold)
else if (support is SupportMoveOrder supportMove)
// Ensure a hold strength decision exists for the target's destination.
Province dest = supportMove.Location.Province;
if (!this.HoldStrength.ContainsKey(dest))
this.HoldStrength[dest] = new(dest);
this.UnresolvedDecisions = new List<AdjudicationDecision>()
public static IPhaseAdjudicator Instance { get; } = new MovementPhaseAdjudicator();
public List<OrderValidation> ValidateOrders(World world, List<Order> orders)
// The basic workflow of this function will be to look for invalid orders, remove these
@ -259,4 +534,512 @@ public class MovementPhaseAdjudicator : IPhaseAdjudicator
return validationResults;
public (List<OrderAdjudication> results, World updated) AdjudicateOrders(
World world,
List<Order> orders)
// Define all adjudication decisions to be made.
Decisions decisions = new Decisions(orders);
// Adjudicate all decisions.
bool progress = false;
progress = false;
foreach (AdjudicationDecision decision in decisions.UnresolvedDecisions.ToList())
progress |= ResolveDecision(decision, world, decisions);
if (decision.Resolved) decisions.UnresolvedDecisions.Remove(decision);
} while (progress);
if (decisions.UnresolvedDecisions.Any())
throw new ApplicationException("Some orders not resolved!");
List<OrderAdjudication> adjudications = new();
// All orders other than move orders are hold orders with extra steps.
ILookup<bool, Order> moveOrders = orders.ToLookup(order => order is MoveOrder);
List<Order> nonMoveOrders = moveOrders[false].ToList();
// All moves to a particular season in a single phase result in the same future. Keep a
// record of when a future season has been created.
Dictionary<Season, Season> createdFutures = new();
List<Unit> createdUnits = new();
List<RetreatingUnit> retreats = new();
// For each move order with a successful does-move decision, ensure the future exists and
// progress the unit to the future.
foreach (MoveOrder move in moveOrders[true].Cast<MoveOrder>())
DoesMove doesMove = decisions.DoesMove[move];
if (doesMove.Outcome == true)
if (!createdFutures.TryGetValue(move.Season, out Season? future))
// A timeline doesn't fork unless it already has a continuation.
future = move.Season.Futures.Any()
? move.Season.MakeNext()
: move.Season.MakeFork();
createdFutures[move.Season] = future;
createdUnits.Add(move.Unit.Next(move.Location, future));
// If the move order failed, the moving unit will stay put, which puts it in the
// same bucket as the hold orders.
adjudications.Add(new(move, doesMove.Outcome == true));
foreach (UnitOrder order in nonMoveOrders.Cast<UnitOrder>())
if (!createdFutures.TryGetValue(order.Unit.Season, out Season? future))
// Any unit given an order is, by definition, at the front of a timeline.
future = order.Unit.Season.MakeNext();
createdFutures[order.Unit.Season] = future;
// For each stationary unit that wasn't dislodged, continue it into the future.
IsDislodged isDislodged = decisions.IsDislodged[order.Unit];
if (isDislodged.Outcome == false)
createdUnits.Add(order.Unit.Next(order.Unit.Location, future));
// Create a retreat for each dislodged unit.
// TODO check valid retreats and disbands
var validRetreats = order.Unit.Location.Adjacents
.Select(loc => (future, loc))
RetreatingUnit retreat = new(order.Unit, validRetreats);
if (order is SupportOrder support)
adjudications.Add(new(support, decisions.GivesSupport[support].Outcome == true));
adjudications.Add(new(order, isDislodged.Outcome == false));
// TODO provide more structured information about order outcomes
World updated = world
return (adjudications, updated);
private bool ResolveDecision(AdjudicationDecision decision, World world, Decisions decisions)
=> decision.Resolved ? false : decision switch
IsDislodged d => ResolveIsUnitDislodged(d, world, decisions),
HasPath d => ResolveDoesMoveHavePath(d, world, decisions),
GivesSupport d => ResolveIsSupportGiven(d, world, decisions),
HoldStrength d => ResolveHoldStrength(d, world, decisions),
AttackStrength d => ResolveAttackStrength(d, world, decisions),
DefendStrength d => ResolveDefendStrength(d, world, decisions),
PreventStrength d => ResolvePreventStrength(d, world, decisions),
DoesMove d => ResolveDoesUnitMove(d, world, decisions),
_ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Unknown decision type: {decision.GetType()}")
private bool ResolveIsUnitDislodged(IsDislodged decision, World world, Decisions decisions)
bool progress = false;
// If this unit was ordered to move and is doing so successfully, it cannot be dislodged
// even if another unit will successfully move into the province.
if (decision.Order is MoveOrder moveOrder)
DoesMove move = decisions.DoesMove[moveOrder];
progress |= ResolveDecision(move, world, decisions);
// If this unit received a move order and the move is successful, it cannot be
// dislodged.
if (move.Outcome == true)
progress |= decision.Update(false);
return progress;
// If the move is undecided, then the dislodge decision is undecidable until then.
if (move.Outcome == null)
return progress;
// If this unit isn't moving from its current province, then it is dislodged if another
// unit has a successful move into its province, and it is not dislodged if every unit that
// could move into its province fails to do so.
bool potentialDislodger = false;
foreach (MoveOrder dislodger in decision.Incoming)
DoesMove move = decisions.DoesMove[dislodger];
progress |= ResolveDecision(move, world, decisions);
// If at least one invader will move, this unit is dislodged.
if (move.Outcome == true)
progress |= decision.Update(true);
return progress;
// If the invader could potentially move, the dislodge decision can't be resolved to
// false.
if (move.Outcome != false)
potentialDislodger = true;
if (!potentialDislodger)
progress |= decision.Update(false);
return progress;
private bool ResolveDoesMoveHavePath(HasPath decision, World world, Decisions decisions)
bool progress= false;
// If the origin and destination are adjacent, then there is a path.
if (// Map adjacency
// Turn adjacency
&& Math.Abs(decision.Order.Unit.Season.Turn - decision.Order.Season.Turn) <= 1
// Timeline adjacency
&& decision.Order.Unit.Season.InAdjacentTimeline(decision.Order.Season))
progress |= decision.Update(true);
return progress;
// If the origin and destination are not adjacent, then the decision resolves to whether
// there is a path of convoying fleets that (1) have matching orders and (2) are not
// dislodged.
// The adjudicator should have received a validated set of orders, so any illegal move
// with no possible convoy path should have been invalidated.
throw new NotImplementedException(); // TODO
private bool ResolveIsSupportGiven(GivesSupport decision, World world, Decisions decisions)
bool progress = false;
// Support is cut when a unit moves into the supporting unit's province with nonzero
// attack strength. Support is given when there is known to be no such unit.
bool potentialNonzeroAttack = false;
foreach (MoveOrder cut in decision.Cuts)
AttackStrength attack = decisions.AttackStrength[cut];
progress |= ResolveDecision(attack, world, decisions);
// If at least one attack has a nonzero minimum, the support decision can be resolved
// to false.
if (attack.MinValue > 0)
progress |= decision.Update(false);
return progress;
// If at least one attack has a nonzero maximum, the support decision can't be resolved
// to true.
if (attack.MaxValue > 0)
potentialNonzeroAttack = true;
// Support is also cut if the unit is dislodged.
IsDislodged dislodge = decisions.IsDislodged[decision.Order.Unit];
progress |= ResolveDecision(dislodge, world, decisions);
if (dislodge.Outcome == true)
progress |= decision.Update(false);
return progress;
// If no attack has potentially nonzero attack strength, and the dislodge decision is
// resolved to false, then the support is given.
if (!potentialNonzeroAttack && dislodge.Outcome == false)
progress |= decision.Update(true);
return progress;
// Otherwise, the support remains undecided.
return progress;
private bool ResolveHoldStrength(HoldStrength decision, World world, Decisions decisions)
bool progress = false;
// If no unit is in the province, the hold strength is zero.
if (decision.Order == null)
progress |= decision.Update(0, 0);
return progress;
// If a unit with a move order is in the province, the strength depends on the move success.
if (decision.Order is MoveOrder move)
DoesMove moves = decisions.DoesMove[move];
progress |= ResolveDecision(moves, world, decisions);
progress |= decision.Update(
moves.Outcome != false ? 0 : 1,
moves.Outcome == true ? 0 : 1);
return progress;
// If a unit without a move order is in the province, add up the supports.
int min = 1;
int max = 1;
foreach (SupportHoldOrder support in decision.Supports)
GivesSupport givesSupport = decisions.GivesSupport[support];
progress |= ResolveDecision(givesSupport, world, decisions);
if (givesSupport.Outcome == true) min += 1;
if (givesSupport.Outcome != false) max += 1;
progress |= decision.Update(min, max);
return progress;
private bool ResolveAttackStrength(AttackStrength decision, World world, Decisions decisions)
bool progress = false;
// If there is no path, the attack strength is zero.
var hasPath = decisions.HasPath[decision.Order];
progress |= ResolveDecision(hasPath, world, decisions);
if (hasPath.Outcome == false)
progress |= decision.Update(0, 0);
return progress;
// If there is a head to head battle, a unit at the destination that isn't moving away, or
// a unit at the destination that will fail to move away, then the attacking unit will have
// to dislodge it.
UnitOrder? destOrder = decisions.HoldStrength[decision.Order.Location.Province].Order;
DoesMove? destMoveAway = destOrder is MoveOrder moveAway
? decisions.DoesMove[moveAway]
: null;
if (destMoveAway != null)
progress |= ResolveDecision(destMoveAway, world, decisions);
if (// In any case here, there will have to be a unit at the destination with an order,
// which means that destOrder will have to be populated. Including this in the if
//condition lets the compiler know it won't be null in the if block.
destOrder != null
&& (// Is head to head
decision.OpposingMove != null
// Is not moving away
|| destMoveAway == null
// Is failing to move away
|| destMoveAway.Outcome == false))
Power destPower = destOrder.Unit.Power;
if (decision.Order.Unit.Power == destPower)
// Cannot dislodge own unit.
progress |= decision.Update(0, 0);
return progress;
// Supports won't help to dislodge units of the same power as the support.
int min = 1;
int max = 1;
foreach (SupportMoveOrder support in decision.Supports)
if (support.Unit.Power == destPower) continue;
GivesSupport givesSupport = decisions.GivesSupport[support];
progress |= ResolveDecision(givesSupport, world, decisions);
if (givesSupport.Outcome == true) min += 1;
if (givesSupport.Outcome != false) max += 1;
progress |= decision.Update(min, max);
return progress;
else if (destMoveAway != null && destMoveAway.Outcome == null)
// If the unit at the destination has an undecided move order, then the minimum tracks
// the case where it doesn't move and the attack strength is mitigated by supports not
// helping to dislodge units of the same power as the support. The maximum tracks the
// case where it does move and the attack strength is unmitigated.
Power destPower = destMoveAway.Order.Unit.Power;
int min = 1;
int max = 1;
foreach (SupportMoveOrder support in decision.Supports)
GivesSupport givesSupport = decisions.GivesSupport[support];
progress |= ResolveDecision(givesSupport, world, decisions);
if (support.Unit.Power != destPower && givesSupport.Outcome == true) min += 1;
if (givesSupport.Outcome != false) max += 1;
// Force min to zero in case of an attempt to disloge a unit of the same power.
if (decision.Order.Unit.Power == destPower) min = 0;
progress |= decision.Update(min, max);
return progress;
// If the unit at the destination is going somewhere else, then attack strength
// includes all supports from all powers.
int min = 1;
int max = 1;
foreach (SupportMoveOrder support in decision.Supports)
GivesSupport givesSupport = decisions.GivesSupport[support];
progress |= ResolveDecision(givesSupport, world, decisions);
if (givesSupport.Outcome == true) min += 1;
if (givesSupport.Outcome != false) max += 1;
progress |= decision.Update(min, max);
return progress;
private bool ResolveDefendStrength(DefendStrength decision, World world, Decisions decisions)
bool progress = false;
// The defend strength is equal to one plus, at least, the number of known successful
// supports, and at most, also the unresolved supports were they to resolve to successes.
int min = 1;
int max = 1;
foreach (SupportMoveOrder support in decision.Supports)
GivesSupport givesSupport = decisions.GivesSupport[support];
progress |= ResolveDecision(givesSupport, world, decisions);
if (givesSupport.Outcome == true) min += 1;
if (givesSupport.Outcome != false) max += 1;
progress |= decision.Update(min, max);
return progress;
private bool ResolvePreventStrength(PreventStrength decision, World world, Decisions decisions)
bool progress = false;
// If there is no path, the prevent strength is zero.
var hasPath = decisions.HasPath[decision.Order];
progress |= ResolveDecision(hasPath, world, decisions);
if (hasPath.Outcome == false)
progress |= decision.Update(0, 0);
return progress;
// If there's a head to head battle and the opposing unit succeeds in moving, the prevent
// strength is zero.
if (decision.OpposingMove != null
&& decisions.DoesMove[decision.OpposingMove].Outcome == true)
progress |= decision.Update(0, 0);
return progress;
// In all other cases, the prevent strength is equal to one plus, at least, the number of
// known successful supports, and at most, also the unresolved supports were they to
// resolve to successes.
int min = 1;
int max = 1;
foreach (SupportMoveOrder support in decision.Supports)
GivesSupport givesSupport = decisions.GivesSupport[support];
progress |= ResolveDecision(givesSupport, world, decisions);
if (givesSupport.Outcome == true) min += 1;
if (givesSupport.Outcome != false) max += 1;
// The minimum stays at zero if the path or head to head move decisions are unresolved, as
// they may resolve to one of the conditions above that forces the prevent strength to zero.
if (!hasPath.Resolved
|| (decision.OpposingMove != null
&& !decisions.DoesMove[decision.OpposingMove].Resolved))
min = 0;
progress |= decision.Update(min, max);
return progress;
private bool ResolveDoesUnitMove(DoesMove decision, World world, Decisions decisions)
bool progress = false;
// Resolve the move's attack strength.
AttackStrength attack = decisions.AttackStrength[decision.Order];
progress |= ResolveDecision(attack, world, decisions);
// In a head to head battle, the threshold for the attack strength to beat is the opposing
// defend strength. Outside a head to head battle, the threshold is the destination's hold
// strength.
NumericAdjudicationDecision defense = decision.OpposingMove != null
? decisions.DefendStrength[decision.OpposingMove]
: decisions.HoldStrength[decision.Order.Location.Province];
progress |= ResolveDecision(defense, world, decisions);
// If the defense beats the attack, resolve the move to false.
if (attack.MaxValue < defense.MinValue)
progress |= decision.Update(false);
return progress;
// Check if a competing move will prevent this one.
bool beatsAllCompetingMoves = true;
foreach (MoveOrder order in decision.Competing)
PreventStrength prevent = decisions.PreventStrength[order];
progress |= ResolveDecision(prevent, world, decisions);
// If the prevent beats the attack, resolve the move to false.
if (attack.MaxValue < prevent.MinValue)
progress |= decision.Update(false);
return progress;
// If the attack doesn't beat the prevent, it can't resolve to true.
if (attack.MinValue < prevent.MaxValue)
beatsAllCompetingMoves = false;
// If the attack didn't resolve to false because the defense or a prevent beat it, then
// attempt to resolve it to true based on whether it beat the defense and all prevents.
progress |= decision.Update(attack.MinValue > defense.MaxValue && beatsAllCompetingMoves);
return progress;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
using MultiversalDiplomacy.Orders;
namespace MultiversalDiplomacy.Adjudicate;
/// <summary>
/// Represents the result of adjudicating an order.
/// </summary>
public class OrderAdjudication
/// <summary>
/// The order that was adjudicated.
/// </summary>
public Order Order { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether the order succeeded or failed.
/// </summary>
public bool Success { get; }
// /// <summary>
// /// The reason for the order's outcome.
// /// </summary>
// public string Reason { get; }
public OrderAdjudication(Order order, bool success/*, string reason*/)
this.Order = order;
this.Success = success;
// this.Reason = reason;
public static class OrderAdjudicationExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Create an <see cref="OrderAdjudication"/> accepting this order.
/// </summary>
public static OrderAdjudication Succeed(this Order order)
=> new OrderAdjudication(order, true);
@ -23,4 +23,10 @@ public class MoveOrder : UnitOrder
this.Season = season;
this.Location = location;
public bool IsOpposing(MoveOrder other)
=> this.Season == other.Unit.Season
&& other.Season == this.Unit.Season
&& this.Location.Province == other.Unit.Location.Province
&& other.Location.Province == this.Unit.Location.Province;
@ -23,4 +23,9 @@ public class SupportMoveOrder : SupportOrder
this.Season = season;
this.Location = location;
public bool IsSupportFor(MoveOrder move)
=> this.Target == move.Unit
&& this.Season == move.Season
&& this.Location == move.Location;
@ -19,4 +19,11 @@ public class TestAdjudicator : IPhaseAdjudicator
public List<OrderValidation> ValidateOrders(World world, List<Order> orders)
=> this.ValidateOrdersCallback.Invoke(world, orders);
public (List<OrderAdjudication> results, World updated) AdjudicateOrders(
World world,
List<Order> orders)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user